Dearest Family of the Heart,
On the eve of this incredible energy shift, with the equinox and the eclipse tomorrow we would like to add yet another gift, this one from Jeshua.
For those of you that have received Heart Activation, there follows a Message from Jeshua about the huge explosion of energy and the amazing release of the veil that is occurring with Heart Activation this year.
This Message came during our latest Heart Activation day, which was truly astounding. Doug and I are being asked to dedicate ourselves to Heart Activations together in a whole new way. The light is exploding, the Love is amazing. And the outreach is meant to be worldwide.
For those of you who received Heart Activation before this year, it is my feeling that whatever upward shift in energy occurs, it will happen for everyone who has received Jeshua's gift. However, we do invite you to ask for another activation if you would like.
It was our intention to send this Message to a new address list for those who have received Heart Activation, but Doug's Internet connection on his computer has gone down. So if you know any of the new people receiving Heart Activation, please pass the word about this Message and all that is occurring (since we don't have their addresses entered into the computer yet). We will be posting this Message for them on our Circle of Light Spiritual Center Facebook page as well.
We are going to begin building a special area on our website that is a Heart Activation support area. It will be a place where we will post new Messages about Heart Activation and people can share their stories, ask questions, be inspired, come together to give and many other things. It's going to be wonderful. We would like to ask for everyone's support, energetically, with prayers and with financial support if you can. We are also open to hearing your ideas about the support area and what you'd like to see there.
These are truly amazing times! We are excited!
With all our Love,
Yael and Doug
Circle of Light