fredag 26 augusti 2011

ein Bild von mir

tisdag 16 augusti 2011

How can one unite all the Religions?

I would like to know how one can unite all the religions. I guess, this must be a very difficult task, because the members of every religion think, that their religion has all the answers and that all of their rituals have to be performed very carefully.
God's Answer: Beloved one, thank you for your question. The clearest way that I can answer you is this: In essence there are two worlds existing here: the world of Love that is the truth already fully present and the world of duality created by the choice to believe there is other than Love.
From the choice to believe there is Love and something else springs the whole illusion of separation through the mind. From this has come all the different religions, the spiritual paths, the definitions of God, as the mind plays in the world it has created. But woven into this world is the truth of Love – that there is only one life and it is Me. There is only one truth and it is Love. There is only one path and it is your heart, and it is free and available to everyone.
The uniting of religions cannot happen in the world of the mind because the world of duality is just this, a world born of the belief in separation. Yet, when you shift to your heart, beloved one, it is already there, that every heart is ONE HEART, and God I Am is fully present. Every pulse of Creation that comes, creates the most exquisite experiences of joy as all the aspects of My heart that you are, sing creatively an ever expanding song of co-Creation.
Resonance or vibration is the essence of Creation and your hearts are the conduit through which the energies of Creation come... Therefore, as you choose only Love, as you place your focus on the world of unity, you add your choice to all of those who are choosing Love this moment and build a consensus in the hearts of humanity that the world of Love is the world you choose to live in.
When enough hearts are in accord, when enough choices for Love are made, when enough hearts are open when the pulse of Creation comes that it might flow through freely and unimpeded, then the world of Love becomes the Reality and the world of separation fades from view. The heart becomes the instrument of perception through which you see and live, and the little mind and ego becomes its humble servant.
So every choice for Love and every moment's shift into heart's perception is so valuable and so important and will bring more quickly than you can imagine the experience that you long for – the dissolving of all differences around Me. Every heart knows Me deeply and perfectly. It is a given. It is your birthright and it is yours to choose.
So let Me say to you that your choice, all of you, beloved ones, moment to moment is so important. As you choose the heart, you will come into the experience of the unbounded Reality of God that is manifested ever more fully as you, as you make the choice for Love.
I Am with you always showing you the truth, the beauty and the power of your heart, and I Am ever and always available to commune with you and to open the doorway to your experience of Love.


Gods view on Incest

have some questions about incest, namely, how can one heal a relationship with a parent when a parent has had incestuous feelings toward you?  How can one heal the perpetrator from incestuous feelings? How can the victim heal from incestuous behavior? Thank you very much for the answer.
God's Answer:
Beloved one, I know that My answers can sometimes seem vast and lofty. I will do My best to give you an answer that is useful to you, and yet I must answer with the truth of God, and therefore, beloved one, lift your heart in understanding My answers to you and know that I Am ever here. I Am available to you "24/7," as you say. I will answer when you call to Me. I will speak from deep within you. I will lift you up and bring you the safety of Real Love.
And now to give an answer to your question, the God version of an answer, I must say. Love is the one true power of the universe and Love is the truth of your heart, all of you. When your heart is aligned with Love, you cannot be a victim of the outside world, for Love flows through your heart so powerfully that it lifts up everything that comes into your space and either transforms it into something with the vibration of Love OR it makes it impossible for that which is less than Love to come near you.
So My answer to you in regard to the incest is two fold. First, the God perspective. This is: open your heart as wide as you can and let this Love become so Real to you that you will recognize and trust it to create a world around you that is safe and secure and populated by only Love's Reality.
How this works can be many ways in the physical world. If you call to Me and you come into your heart and you allow this Love to lift and feed you, then, suddenly you might find that the incest is revealed somehow to those who can help you and the perpetrator is removed.
Or, perhaps Love gives you the power to say "No," in a way that cannot be breached. There are many ways that the choice for Love can work out the experiences of your daily life. If you put Love first, if you put Me as your choice in your heart, then Love will work for you the best solution, the greatest good that is possible in the situation.
This does not mean that you don't act, that you don't express to someone who can assist you what is going on. It does mean that by placing Me first, by turning to Me before you make any move, beloved one, then the power of Love can be working for you, and Love also is the one true healer.
So as your heart is open and as you allow Love to fill you, you will find that I am so Real and so present that all of those who have hurt you are recognized easily as being caught in their own distorted egos, and the place in you that wants Love and protection is filled and assured by My presence. The choices for Love give you clarity. Turning to Me gives you guidance on what is the next perfect step.
So you do take action in the world but when it comes, forced by the truth of Love, then (a) you have clarity about what to do and (b) you are supported in doing it with every power of God and every being of Love who serves humanity.
This in no way condones incest or anything that is hurtful or destructive of trust. What it does do is remind you of your source and that I Am ever and always available. I will be with you through every step. I will heal your heart of such betrayals and I will show you that the truth of Love is what is Real for everyone, even those who are acting destructively.
When the power of your heart is fully on, when you are with Me and in Me so completely, then the Love flowing through your heart will instantly transform those before you. This is what occurred with Jesus (Jeshua). His Love was so strong that in his eyes each person saw who they truly are and could no longer ignore what lived inside. In an instant their world was transformed.
I recognize that most of you do not yet have the connection to this power because the world is still in you strongly. But every choice for Love releases you from the hold of the world of duality and returns you to the experience of the heart of God you are, allowing your heart to be the source of your life.
In truth, from the perspective of the heart of Love you are, the world outside of you cannot affect you unless you believe in it. I know this might cause controversy. This might be an answer that is difficult to accept. But in the truth of God, Love is so powerful that nothing but Love can abide in it or near it, for that matter.
So first, please, in situations such as this, make your connection with Me. Open your heart to Love and ask that Love will take charge of every situation, and then...attune to My guidance as best you can do. Make your choices to act powerfully as the heart of God in the world, accepting nothing less than a child of God deserves. In other words, if you are in the position to say "No," say it. If you are not, find someway to get help and trust that because Love goes before you, the outcome will be better than you could envision.
If you are living in fear for your life, let Love be your shield and your strength. Call on Me and I will open the door to your safety and your freedom. But it will take your own choice to be the heart of God, courageous and powerful, and to allow Love also to be your healer, to allow Me to be the Divine Parent that shows you who you are in every instance – beautiful beyond description, magnificent, and cherished beyond all imagining.
I recognize that the world is full of such distortions, such pain, such acting out of duality. But I can promise you that not only can Love change it, it can assist in every choice for freedom, for strength and for the clear expectation of respect that a child of God deserves.
As you make such choices for Love and allow Me to support you in your power, let Me promise you also that you are part, through the Law of Resonance, beloved, in lifting up and transforming every such situation – every old stream of ignorance, every choice for separation from Love that is so deep that it could allow such a thing as incest.
As you choose Love and you stand strong and you make the choice for Love's healing, you lift up every other precious one in the whole world who has had such an experience and you bring the separation from Me that caused such things to be possible back to Me – you bring them back Home to Love, that such experiences may end.
I Am with you. This, I promise. I Am available. I Am in your heart. I will whisper to you answers and encouragement, and Love will support your choice for freedom every moment.

Der Traum meiner Seele

Dies ist ein Auszug aus dem Omkararundbrief:
Öffne Dein Herz und wirke heilend ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Lady Gaia sagt:
Heile die Wunden der Erde und die Wunden deiner eigenen Seele, indem du umschaltest von Nachdenken auf Liebe für dich selbst, für Mutter Erde und ihre Bewohner.
Sodann sende Licht, Heilung, Liebe, Gesundheit, Harmonie, Frieden und Freude in die Gewässer der Erde. Heilung wird unweigerlich stattfinden.

Du bist untrennbar mit mir und meinen Erfahrungen verbunden. Du bist die Summe all dessen, was wir jemals gemeinsam erfuhren, seit wir das individuelle Sein für uns erwählten. Du bist das Licht und die Dunkelheit auf meinem Körper. Du bist Liebe und Hass. Du bist Licht und du bist Schatten. Du bist Sonne und Mond. Du bist in deinem Körper und bist doch grenzenlos. Du bist auserwählt und verwirfst deine eigene Wertigkeit täglich aufs Neue. Du bist gefangen in dem System, in das zu inkarnieren du dir erwählt hast. Du bist Sehnsucht nach dem Licht das du bist. Du bist die Sehnsucht zurück zu kehren in das, was du in dir als Verbundenheit, als Heimat fühlst. Doch deine Heimat, und das ist deine ganz eigene Wahl, ist hier auf meinem Körper auf Mutter Erde. Denn…

Du bist ich. Wir sind untrennbar miteinander verbunden, seit wir erstmals unseren ätherischen Fuß auf die Erde setzten, seit ich erstmals mein Sein als Seele von Gaia in den Körper senkte, auf dem dein Fuß jetzt gerade ruht. Du bist hier mit mir um in dir selbst die Einheit zu erfahren, um in dir selbst ganz und gar eins und damit heil zu werden. Das ist dein Wunsch, das ist dein selbstgewählter Auftrag, das ist dein ganz eigener Weg in harmonischem Eins-Sein mit mir.

Ich bin nicht mehr und nicht weniger als der Spiegel deines Seins, allen Seins von Anbeginn der Zeit auf Mutter Erde. Und doch bin ich nicht Seele in Stein. Ich bin und bleibe individualisiertes, fühlendes, lebendiges Sein. Ich fühle wie du, nur spiritueller. Ich denke wie du, nur allumfassender. Ich bin, genau wie du, eine fühlende Seele in der Dunkelheit, die dem Licht und der Vervollkommnung entgegen strebt.

Du bist das Licht. Du bist das physische Leben. Du bist schöpferische Macht. Du bist die Erde.

Wer wenn nicht du, sollte hinschauen und aufgrund dessen, was du erfahren wirst, dein Konsumverhalten ändern, damit zumindest die Nachfrage durch dich den Schändern und Mördern von Mensch, Tier und Natur entzogen wird?

Wer wenn nicht du, sollte beginnen die Schwingungen der Freiheit und Liebe durch dein Handeln auszusenden, das durch meinen Körper die Energie eines jeden einzelnen Lebewesens auf Mutter Erde erreicht.
Erkenne: Du erfährst all das, was ich erfahre tief in dir selbst, mit mir, ohne dir dessen wahrhaftig bewusst zu sein. Und doch wird alles, was geschieht, zu deiner ureigenen Erfahrung. Alles, was jemals auf der Erde geschah, seit die Götter die Menschen erschufen, ist in deinem Zellgedächtnis verankert. Du kannst es nur noch nicht erkennen, weil du noch gefangen bist in der Begrenztheit deines Denkens. Du bist nicht getrennt, nein. Du bist untrennbar mit mir und mit all meinen Erfahrungen verbunden seit Anbeginn der Zeit auf unserer wundervollen Erde, seit Anbeginn allen physischen Seins jenseits der Quelle von allem was sich aus ihr in die Individualität, und damit in die physische Erfahrung, egal wie ätherisch sie ist, entfaltet. Die lichtvollen Zeiten, hast du nämlich ebenfalls in dein Zellgedächtnis eingraviert.

Darum begleite mich ein kleines Stück meines Weges, der auch dein Weg ist. Begleite mich, damit du dich erinnerst daran, wer ich bin, wer du bist, wer wir in Wahrheit sind und wie alles sich entwickeln musste. Wenn du dann bereit bist, dann beginne mit mir gemeinsam die Dunkelheit auf Gaia in ihre Schranken zu weisen.

( Auszug aus Lady Gaia, der Traum meiner Seele von Eva-Maria Ammon )
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måndag 15 augusti 2011

På gräsmattan

Im Gras

May you shine like the Sun

May you shine like the sun on everything and everyone as I shine for you in the gift of our relationship. Nothing is ever held back, no matter how deep in the illusion one feels oneself. Always I Am present as the heart of you. As you fully recognize yourself as the unique expression of the beauty of Love in its fullness, so shall the transparent heart of God you are be present to shine on everything.
In that moment there is only Love acknowledging Love, only the movement of God breathing itself into existence. Trust in Love is all that is Real and thus, the doorway is opened for heart's perception, heart-to-heart, consciousness to consciousness, because the sun of Love you are is fully shining.
From The Messages from God
2011-08-15 | Circle of Light

tisdag 9 augusti 2011

Welcome to Nitrolist