fredag 16 september 2011

The Future is brighter than ever

On this day of your life, Heike, I believe God wants you to know...
...that the future is brighter than ever. Not just humanity's
future, but your own, personally.

Things have shifted. The energy has been altered. You
can feel it if you deeply tune in. This shift is not your
imagination, nor is it merely on a national or global
level. There is a shift in you.

Feel it today, and use it to propel you to a wonderful
tomorrow. In fact, do better than feel the energy. BE
the energy. Be its Source.Then watch the conditions
of your own life change.
Neals Donald Welsch

The Difference between Love and Feelings

Dear God, Thank you for sending us Your Messages through Yael. It has been a relief to receive Your messages for guidance.
I would like to know the difference between love and feelings -- how to open a closed heart that won't budge from fear of being hurt further after having feelings hurt so deeply emotionally and how to manage self from there on out.
Answer to Question # 9:
Precious one, the feelings that you refer to are the feelings generated by the human ego that are meant to keep you identifying with the world the ego has built. The only way to open your heart is to come to Me, oh, precious of God, to come into the silence and allow Me to show you how it feels to truly love, to be held, to be blessed, to be supported by Creation, to be honored and to be open to the endless Love that lives in you. Once you have felt this, even for a moment, it will free you from the tyranny of the little mind, the ego, that keeps you held in fear.
Then moment by moment, in your communion with Me, it will become Real to you what Love is and you will feel so secure, so open, so glorious that this will become your new reference for what Love is and dear one, what feelings are -- feelings that are divine and that carry you effortlessly into more joy, more Love, more ecstasy continually. From this place of being washed in Love, you shall bless your own fears and feel them automatically loosen their hold on you.
Your heart already knows its truth. It needs only your permission to shine forth and in its presence, all shadows of the old world are transformed and you will recognize that every moment you are at choice. You can choose to believe in the world of fear or you can step into My presence, into the cocoon of Love that we have built together, and open your heart to what Love is.
As you do this, day by day, choice by choice, your vibration changes. Your resonance realigns. What you draw into your life is those who can reflect this, who can be your example of Real Love, the Real Love that you have found within you, that you have opened into in your communion with Me. At last, dear one, the Reality of Love will be more Real to you than your experiences of the old world of human thought and pain.
When this occurs, then Love takes over and the little self needs no managing, for, in truth, it is waiting to serve the heart. It is just that life on Earth has temporarily reversed this and the ego has taken over.
I Am blessing your heart and each and every one of you who is willing to open to Love. I long to show you what Real feelings are, that you might bask in your own divinity and feel the freedom of the endless Love of God I Am that is your true identity.
The old world in which your heart has seemed to be protecting itself, the world that is based on personal suffering, the world in which you have given power to things outside of you, is falling away. This Love is pulsing forth so strongly that all you have to do is turn to Me, say "Yes" to this Love that is ever present, come into the moment and be silent, and in this instance, this endless Now, in our communion, you are free and you have answers to every question.
You have the Love. You have the remembrance of who you are and your choice to be available as the open heart of God will wash away even the remembrance of pain and you shall live in joy. I Am here and your heart already knows the truth. Simply turn and open and remember. At first you may need to be diligent, to choose and choose again to remember Love and to experience Real feelings of Love Divine. Soon, however, the impetus of Love takes over. You are lifted and you are shifted to the Vertical Life in which every breath is a reminder of perfect life and your own heart is open and free with the Light of perfect Love shining through it to reflect before you the truth of God in the symbols of the world in which you live. Remember always that I Am here for you, beloved.

onsdag 14 september 2011

Passing through the Energetic Gateway

Passing through the Energetic Gateway

a message from Archangel Michael channeled by Meredith Murphy
22 April, 2010

The Separation has Begun; Feeling this in the Unified Field

Greetings my dearest ones.
You faithful, devoted beings, joining one another and all of US in this
amazing and auspicious NOW-moment; I am honored to be in your company.
And I am delighted to have this time to share with you some reflections
on the current context in which you find yourselves, and hopefully
encourage you. {Smile!}

So many of you are waiting. Waiting for life to pop-open. Waiting for
your path to be clear. Waiting to be free to move forward with ALL of
your visions of life on this new, emerging, Planet Earth. Not waiting as
in holding back; waiting, as in—being in alignment, tuning into,
looking for, anticipating with joy. This feeling of expectancy exists
for us, as well as for you. Although in our experience it is because we
are tracking with you; living through your experience and understanding
the challenges you face and blending our energies and perspectives,
responding when called upon and extending our field into yours to
lighten the load—we desire to lighten the load whenever and wherever we
can. Still these are indeed times which feel constricted and a narrowing
is occurring.

Those who choose to allow their activation process to go forward. Those
who welcomed the invitation to shift into a new orientation of living.
Those who welcome the finer energies into their vessel, who are willing
to release all that does not fit, who are willing to allow the inner
wisdom of their bodies and their Soul to lead them…those of you are…

(I see a bridge and it’s narrower than the land on which it begins and
ends, and I see many of us walking on it…it’s very interesting--the
bridge doesn’t look very long, and yet we have been are walking on it
for a while, yet we’re each in our own space—aware of one another and
yet in our own spaces. It’s note even like we’re walking, we’re not
“trudging across this bridge” Or we’re moving across it, not walking
actually there is simply an image of us moving, or even being moved
across this bridge…)


And as you move across this bridge, so to speak, a commitment is made.

It would be very difficult to go backward. You could stop, and yet
already you are no longer in the world in which you used to live. You
are feeling totally good, certain about moving across this dimensional
bridge, and yet, as you do so, strings of energy between you and others
are felt-- stretched and strained. This is the pulling feeling too that
you have in your heart; a sense of being separated from even a sense of
self—for you were and are part of the existing unified field of the
Planet Earth as it was, and as you move into the space of the New Earth
there is a narrowing of the connection between the two. It is not being
“cut off” this connection between the two at this time, but the
separation is already underway.

Last September there as a divide and this was the initial separation.
And since that time, many who for all practically purposes “leapt
across” and joined us in the New Earth have discovered that they are
disoriented and they have also experienced MUCH that has challenged
them. The physical demands of living in this new space are, for the
physical body, significant, and those who embraced and moved in this
direction earlier had completed much of the most extreme period of
isolation and mutation already. As such when the new beings arrived in
this space in which they were led by those they love, by and large by
their inner selves, they discovered a still significant gap between
where they landed and where many others were. This too creates that
pulling feeling.

There is tremendous space in the new Earth at this time. Much is being
laid in as foundational energies and as you continue to spend more and
more time in higher vibrating energy yourselves, your blending becomes
increasingly sophisticated.

Meaning, your blending with All-That-Is and the energy of the New Earth
and those aspects of Source who are part of this emergent field, is
becoming more harmonious and at the same time more specific. Details are
becoming clearer--and as you become more clear and certain as to your
desired expression; as being beautiful interpreted based on your
function and the needs of the space in which you now increasingly now,
then informed, those who are also blending are INFORMED. And they adjust
and re-create their own expression to further harmonize and co-create
with you, with ALL of you, a space that fulfills the expression of your
frequencies and vibrations. It is a beautiful site indeed; site—as in
place, and in view {Smile}.

As such when you are oriented toward this blending, you feel profoundly
alive and enabled. This gives fullest expression to your function that
you, as yet, have experienced in your human anchored perspectives.

Joy joy joy!!! It is so full of joy.

When you are in contact with one another, when you encounter the
shimmering and radiant thought forms, creations, energies of one
another—then this call to sing—to add your unique voice as function and
frequency to the composition, is experienced and the opening in which
you easily flow and respond to this call feels effortless and natural to
you. Joyful and love filled. Perfect and exalted! Elevated and soaring.
Love filled and resplendent. There are not enough strong words dear
one, to say how good it feels.

You know what I mean dear ones and I say to you: this is what is to
come. This is what is to come. This—AND MORE-- is what is to come, do
not despair. This is your natural state and you will increasingly BE IN

Amen. I hear it—yes, I hear your hearts say AMEN—so be it. And I agree.

{Does that feel good? I hope so.}

So stay the course my beautiful ones. Know that nothing in your
unfolding will inhibit this transition to higher dimensional experience
for you at this time. The transition is already underway and the
separation is what makes you feel heavy, sad, stuck and limited. Again
it’s like threads being finely stretched between those of you on the
bridge and all that has been an intimate part of you which is not coming
forward at this time..

For it is so innately part of you to be connected to so many diverse
aspects of being who ARE NOT coming forward at this time. Some have not
yet chosen to participate, or to participate in a different way. The
alignment within their experience has not arrived which will give them
the ease and connection to a sense of purpose which takes them into

For some, their purpose lies still in understanding duality for they are
gaining much experience that is of benefit to their overall
perspective. And many of them also late-comers intentionally, so that
they might “bring up the rear” so to speak, in ministering to the many
beings who are willingly experiencing hardship and dramatic and sudden
natural disasters, and whose experiences which are assisting the opening
of the unified heart energies of the Planet.

All is well.

IN order that these energies might allow as much supportive fine
vibrating light from the Universe and Source into your sphere, thereby
supporting and continuing the mutation process within you that are
activated and in various stages of completion, these beings are playing
their own perfect part in the overall orchestration of the ascension

This event is continually created; based on each perspectives
participation, blending, choice and inner alignment or lack of. Do not
be disturbed.

Do not be disturbed by any of this or by these many contrasting energies
in the field. Settle yourselves. Align with your own Light Body energy,
your Merkaba—the unified energies of YOU in this physical incarnation,
which when ONE, can perfectly support your movement into the dimension
which is now the choice of your Soul, your heart and increasingly your
point of focus in awareness.

As you identify increasingly with this narrative, and also attune to
your physical body; so keenly and articulately informed and in
simultaneous communication with the NOW-point of you listening and
reading this message, your body, your awareness—together, you will be
perfectly led.

Trust in your own life. That is all you need do. Know that your own
connection to everything will never let you down. That would be
impossible. Awaken as is your way; enjoy the uniqueness of your path and
the particular location you find yourself in from moment to moment. For
all of this will “pass” in your terms and the new beginning will no
longer be the new beginning; it will simply BE. Don’t miss the

I am forever in your service. Know and feel that you are, profoundly and
deeply loved, appreciated, protected and your experiences are ENJOYED
by All-That-Is and ME! {Smile}

I leave you in peace.

I AM the Archangel Michael

© 2009-2010, Meredith Murphy, Expect
Wonderful | Modern Paradise Publications

You are free to share, copy, distribute and display the work under the following conditions: You must give author credit, you may not use this for commercial purposes, and you may not
alter, transform or build upon this work. For any reuse or distribution,
you must make clear to others the license terms of this work. Any of
these conditions can be waived if you get the permission of the
copyright holder. Any other purpose of use must be granted permission by
the author.

lördag 10 september 2011

The Many Paths of Enlightenment

The Many Paths of Enlightenment

You can learn about enlightenment from many teachers, each of whom may have experienced some form of enlightenment and want to share it with others. Their motives are good and there are people that they will help along this path. But others will not see the results that they expect and will feel that they have missed something or worse, are not capable of enlightenment. There are many paths of enlightenment, many levels and each of you is on a different course. There is no single definition of enlightenment and no single experience of it. And you can have many experiences of enlightenment every day.
Enlightenment is not always a single moment of connection, where the answers to all of your questions become known in an instant. While this can happen it is often a more gradual process that occurs over different experiences. If you are looking for this single instance of awakening, of knowing the light, you may miss the many opportunities that you have to confirm your progress because they come in the form of smaller and less obvious blessings, although each one is a powerful confirmation of your enlightenment. And if you look for the single source of enlightenment, you may spend a lifetime believing that you have not achieved your goal.
Each time you acknowledge your power, learn a lesson, practice compassion and kindness with others, you have achieved enlightenment. Each time you are able to unconditionally forgive yourself and others you have achieved enlightenment. These are soul level victories over lessons that you may not have been able to accomplish in prior lifetimes and each one is important, none are insignificant. To be enlightened is to move closer to the light, to raise your vibration, to strengthen your Source connection and to remove the layers of karma that have been burdens for many lifetimes.
Others' experience of enlightenment may help you but their experience cannot be yours. You will arrive at each stage of enlightenment in your own way. When you do, you will have another opportunity to move forward to yet another level. Each enlightenment experience will give you greater understanding and peace. You will know that the key to enlightenment is acknowledging that you are a divine being whose human journey is a divine purpose of healing, learning, transformation and ascension. Each enlightened step you take brings greater waves of light to humanity and through that you also heal the world and enable the ascension of everyone.

You are loved

On this day of your life, I believe God wants you to know...
...that you are loved on this day for all the wonder that
you bring to your world with the gift of being you.

Hard to believe, isn't it, that you are that special in the
eyes of God? Yet you are--and not because of what
you have done, but because of who you are. You are
God's own creation, an expression of Divinity in human

The fastest way to experience this is to be the vehicle
through which others sees it in themselves. Each person
is walking his or her path and doing his or her best. God
knows this and that is why God loves you all.

 © | 1257 Siskiyou Boulevard | PMB #1144 | Ashland | OR | 97520


Being a Heart Instead of Having a Heart

Dearest Spirit Family:
The title of this Message from God says it all: Being a Heart Instead of Having a Heart -- 
God Now Calls Us to the Real Shift. “Be the Heart of God You Are, Now”
We here at Circle of Light are truly honored to have been given the gift of the Messages from God to bring forth to humanity through Yael and Doug Powell. We hope that you will share these Messages as widely as possible, including with any groups or lists you feel appropriate. We only ask that you retain our identifying information.
We hold each one of you in Love. We thank you for being conduits of God's Love on Earth and wish you joy and blessings never ending. May each of us live the Love and perfection that is given forth through this Message.
Yael, Doug and ShannaPra at CIRCLE OF LIGHT
The Messages from God
through Yael and Doug Powell at
Circle of Light
Being a Heart Instead of Having a Heart -- 
God Now Calls Us to the Real Shift,
September 7, 2011
Beloved ones, we come to a point where the heart of God becomes your experience. We come to the place that is so important -- when as an experience you realize that this is not about a person who is opening his/her heart. It is not about the ego identity. It is far greater than working on a spiritual life and making choices that seem to bring you closer to Me.
Ah, no. Beloved ones, this is about a leap that is so profound, so dramatic and so vital that it completely eliminates all effort, all choice, all involvement in the ego’s drama. It is the leap into the experience of being the heart of God, completely open, ever glorious and eternal, limitless, ecstatic, indescribable and completely Real – where there is nothing to change or reach for. The truth is the truth. You are the heart of Love and nothing has ever changed this.
The moment that you realize this experience of Love – in that moment you realize that the human who suffers, who struggles or who makes choices to become more spiritual – this is not who you are. To approach this Love from the perspective of the ego is to only have ideas about the heart and to ever have that mis-perception of separation that creates something to long for, to reach for. It creates resistance to those things in the human experience that are less than the experience of the heart.
But, dearest ones, when you leap through this doorway, when you recognize the personality is totally not who you are… when you open to this effulgence of Love and become only this experience of the limitless Love of God you are… Then, all resistance is gone. All attachment, all duality becomes like smoke, and every electron that has made up the physical is free to celebrate the expansiveness of your heart and the limitless joy of being All That You Are.
There is a place, then, where every spiritual path is dropped and where all perspectives of the mind are stopped by Love. When you ask yourself: Who is it? What is it that is here right now? The only answer is the heart of God I Am, and this answer pours into your being, lifts you up into an experience of Love and releases the dream of separation instantly, until you are freedom and expansion and the endless possibilities of Love.
So this is the shift to the heart, beloved ones. It is not the shift to the heart of a human being. It is the shift out of the perception of the ego into the experience of being your true nature, the heart of the living hologram. In this shift, dearest ones, the world is free to change, for you recognize that what you resist, persists. 
Every aspect of the ego is a resistance to Love. This is obvious the moment you understand what the ego is. As long as you are identified with the person, with the story of your life in any way, you are not fully immersed in the experience of the heart … of being the heart…not having a heart to shift to. This is an important difference.
So I Am here, whispering to you that in the truth of Love the world of the ego ends. It disappears, beloved ones, into the Now Moment, where there can be no story line at all, for the stories of the mind require time. They require the building of a past, an extrapolation of a future. But you are the timeless heart of God, and when you allow this to claim you, time is ended. The world is gone and the pulse of Creation moves through you, free to create for the heart of Love the most exquisite expressions of God. You are free to dance through the cosmos, rejoicing in the release of the dream of a world based on separation from Love.
You stand in this point of awakening to the experience of the heart of God that you are. Love is your only identity, and then, from Love the urge and movement, the acceptance of the heart beat, the desire to give. Not giving that comes through a limited identity but giving that sweeps through the vastness of your being and informs through the Will of Love your every movement. You blaze as the one flame of life that holds within it two pulse beats of consciousness that give the impetus to all Creation for expansion and for experience of new possibilities of Love.
You are ready now to understand this distinction and to surrender the ego mind’s identity. You are ready to release the human persona, to explode into the glory of freedom of the experience of your true identity that is right now the reality for everyone. It has just been ignored for a while as the focus of the heart has been directed into the experience of separation from Love that in truth, of course, is impossible.
This resonance of the truth of who you are is now becoming so strong and so palpable that every moment that you stop the little mind even for an instant, it overcomes you and lifts you into the ecstasy that you are – that you share with the Whole, with the hologram. It brings you into the pure Light of true awareness of All that Love Is and all that is possible, experienced directly in Me as the truth of who you are – the limitless beauty of God, the exquisitely awesome power of Love, the song of the universe in which Creation says a resounding and endless “Yes” to Love. 
That “Yes” to Love resonates to the heart and is ready to burst free right now to become your experience of life, that you might perceive each moment as the Now and find yourself only extending Love, recognizing the heart of God in everyone, experiencing the world as truly profound expressions of the beauty and the Love in which you are fully immersed now in the endless song of ecstasy.
So let us no longer say, “Shift to your heart,” but rather, “Be the heart of God you are, Now.” Let these words be for you the launching point. Let them catapult you into the experience of your truth and in the glory of your being as peace, as the deep awareness of Homecoming – that you are Home in Me as the one heart of God I Am, fully present and beyond all stories of the little mind.
Every identity of the world, beloved ones, dissolves in this Love. All the stories of all the lifetimes that you have lived have all been creations of the mind and you are ready now to accept that you are the heart, and that the time for the mind is ended – that the heart of God can BE the world -- not discover it, create it or perceive it…but simply be present to the truth that Love is all that is here anyway and everything else was a shadow play of finger puppets on the wall of the mind’s limited drawings.
Now we open to the Real Light that I Am, that “I AM” may resonate fully in you and that resonance is the Word with which Love creates the elements of ever expanding expression of the discovery of the limitless possibilities of Love’s perfection.
Beloved ones, it may be challenging to place in words what this shift means -- from perceiving yourselves as human, as a human being with a story line that includes resistance to many things that have been unpleasant – now shifting into the limitless truth of Love, the heart of which is the vehicle of Love’s expansion -- and that, beloved ones, is you.
Reminding Spirit Family that E-books at are $5.00 through September 15th at which time they return to their regular prices. You still have time to order at the discount price.
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