fredag 16 september 2011

The Difference between Love and Feelings

Dear God, Thank you for sending us Your Messages through Yael. It has been a relief to receive Your messages for guidance.
I would like to know the difference between love and feelings -- how to open a closed heart that won't budge from fear of being hurt further after having feelings hurt so deeply emotionally and how to manage self from there on out.
Answer to Question # 9:
Precious one, the feelings that you refer to are the feelings generated by the human ego that are meant to keep you identifying with the world the ego has built. The only way to open your heart is to come to Me, oh, precious of God, to come into the silence and allow Me to show you how it feels to truly love, to be held, to be blessed, to be supported by Creation, to be honored and to be open to the endless Love that lives in you. Once you have felt this, even for a moment, it will free you from the tyranny of the little mind, the ego, that keeps you held in fear.
Then moment by moment, in your communion with Me, it will become Real to you what Love is and you will feel so secure, so open, so glorious that this will become your new reference for what Love is and dear one, what feelings are -- feelings that are divine and that carry you effortlessly into more joy, more Love, more ecstasy continually. From this place of being washed in Love, you shall bless your own fears and feel them automatically loosen their hold on you.
Your heart already knows its truth. It needs only your permission to shine forth and in its presence, all shadows of the old world are transformed and you will recognize that every moment you are at choice. You can choose to believe in the world of fear or you can step into My presence, into the cocoon of Love that we have built together, and open your heart to what Love is.
As you do this, day by day, choice by choice, your vibration changes. Your resonance realigns. What you draw into your life is those who can reflect this, who can be your example of Real Love, the Real Love that you have found within you, that you have opened into in your communion with Me. At last, dear one, the Reality of Love will be more Real to you than your experiences of the old world of human thought and pain.
When this occurs, then Love takes over and the little self needs no managing, for, in truth, it is waiting to serve the heart. It is just that life on Earth has temporarily reversed this and the ego has taken over.
I Am blessing your heart and each and every one of you who is willing to open to Love. I long to show you what Real feelings are, that you might bask in your own divinity and feel the freedom of the endless Love of God I Am that is your true identity.
The old world in which your heart has seemed to be protecting itself, the world that is based on personal suffering, the world in which you have given power to things outside of you, is falling away. This Love is pulsing forth so strongly that all you have to do is turn to Me, say "Yes" to this Love that is ever present, come into the moment and be silent, and in this instance, this endless Now, in our communion, you are free and you have answers to every question.
You have the Love. You have the remembrance of who you are and your choice to be available as the open heart of God will wash away even the remembrance of pain and you shall live in joy. I Am here and your heart already knows the truth. Simply turn and open and remember. At first you may need to be diligent, to choose and choose again to remember Love and to experience Real feelings of Love Divine. Soon, however, the impetus of Love takes over. You are lifted and you are shifted to the Vertical Life in which every breath is a reminder of perfect life and your own heart is open and free with the Light of perfect Love shining through it to reflect before you the truth of God in the symbols of the world in which you live. Remember always that I Am here for you, beloved.

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