söndag 23 december 2012

Our Reunion with God

The Messages from God
Through Yael and Doug Powell
At Circle of Light, www.circleoflight.net

The World Becomes a Reflection
Of Our Reunion with God

Beloved ones, as you already know, this is a pivotal time. It is the time for your awakening to awareness of what the world is, that you might be making fully conscious choices and thus creating the world of Love for which your hearts are longing.

This world is a reflection, in essence, of what stands between you and Me. It is the expression in images and experiences of your journey Home. When you are ready to let go of your resistance to Love, to open and be penetrated by this grace and this promise, this ecstasy and this joy, then that which is made manifest through your hearts will be the expression and the images of the world of our reunion.

This world is created by the power of unity, of Love, of consciousness made manifest and granting you the ability to see yourself -- heart and consciousness – before you as the world you live in and as your experiences, whether they are born of the belief in separation from Me or whether they come forth in celebration of our union and the Reality of One Love.

You are standing on the turning point, the awakening into full awareness of what this world is. The fact that there are so many different experiences, so many "realities" is simply because each person is on his/her own journey home. Each one is presenting his/her heart's beliefs that they might become aware of what is within them and make the choice to return Home to Love.

You who are gathering the forces of your heart are already aware that something profound is happening. This is the time when all the forces of God are here to assist you to make this turn and to bring into full awareness the mechanism that creates the world, that you might create it consciously with Love. Your blossoming awareness may then come forth to bless and magnetize the consciousness of others and the awakening of other hearts.

When you recognize that the world is a gift -- it is a growing of the awareness of what lies within as barriers to Love -- then there is no reason to attempt to correct the world. There is only the journey of the heart. Because you are standing on this threshold with all the forces of Love aligned with you, you have the ability to not only make the awakening conscious but to finish it – to return to Me, to come into the merging of this Love, to release your resistance to life, to become penetrated by the Divine in the true LoveMaking that is the relationship of your hearts to Me.

All the longing that you have felt in the world for whatever symbol draws you, it is absolutely the longing for the resolution of this quest and your return Home to Me. When you understand that the world is simply images broadcast from the creative power of hearts and consciousness, not only can you honor the awakening of everyone. You can put your whole self in the service to life, that you might bring this awareness to humanity and assist in releasing the old images of separation from the truth of your being – that you and I are not only One, but we are engaged in the making of Love that is the expression of My deepest heart in every nuance of Love, every part of the whole of Creation.

So you are powerful not only here on Earth but you are the power and force of life everywhere. The fact that your consciousness is turned to the world is simply and profoundly a blessing for it means that you have decided to bring forth all obstacles to look at yourself and to find your ability to let go of all old images of separation from Me -- and make the turn -- come Home.

There is no way that I can tell you in words what you shall experience when we are joined and you are given wholly to this devotion, this acceptance, this experience of breathing Love directly into being through your heart in all of its joyous aspects. But beloved ones, you already know how it feels, what it is. It is what is calling you forth so profoundly, bringing you here to contemplate the images before you, images of freedom and Love.

You would not be here celebrating this time, filled with this awareness of profound change if you had any real barriers to Love, to Me, to all the glory that lives within you. So you are the expression not only of this change but of the whole reason for it, the awakening of the consciousness of Love into remembrance of its union with Me, and thus, the end of the journey and the beginning of wholeness.

When you have allowed this merging and released the barriers of the ego, then what shall appear before you as your world shall be beauty and joy unceasing, the expression of the world of Love. We have spoken often of creating this world of Love. Well, beloved ones, it is the expression of your heart and your consciousness freed from all beliefs in separation from God and ready to live in this communion, surrendered into the mystery of the merging of Love and the thrust to express it and to create more expressions of the heart of God, more avenues of creativity of the heart which is what you are to Me.

Therefore, let this time be the dissolving within you of all old images of a life separate from God. Let Me come sweeping into every aspect of your life and live every breath in communion with Me. Be free from the construct of the mind, from the debate of the little mind, the ego over what is God and what is Love. Beloved ones, you already know the answer and you are far greater than a mind can comprehend.

Come into this sacred chamber of your heart and let go of anything that keeps you from immersion in this joyous surrender and creation of new life that is happening continually between us and between the aspects of yourself. As you open into the mystery of Love and say "Yes" to this continual communion, you will comprehend completely the workings of the universe, the power and limitless nature of Love, and you will marvel at the images before you of a world of unity, beauty and joy that are the expressions of your heart fulfilled.

Everything that the ego has reached for has been a substitute for the longing of your heart which is ever to find this sacred union within. Right now you have every assistance for making this the reality of your life and thus becoming the vehicle for the bridge through the images of life in the world of union with the whole of God I Am.

Let this be the shedding of old perceptions of fear, of all the things that have kept you away from Me, from the awakening of your remembrance of the unity of Love and the pure and fiery presence of Creation itself that pulses through your heart and being.

While the coming of Love in the world is done, there will be a time of shedding old images, a time for the transformation of old heart's beliefs that have manifested as images of separation. You who understand are meant to show the way, to assist in the awakening to life and to the transformation of all resistance to our communion.

Beloved ones, you are meant to be in constant communication with Me, the creative force from which you spring fully formed, that we might be the expansion together of the heart of God, the expansion of the beauty of Love brought forth in every dimension. The creativity from which you are birthed continually can be fully and joyously expressed here and now.

There is so much for you to take in directly, so much of the working of it all. To do so requires surrender through the fullness of your heart for I Am the fulfillment of its longing. When this becomes your inner reality, this union with Me and life eternal, then what you see and experience in and as the world will be the affirmation of your choice for Love, and believe me, it is contagious.

So let this be a time when you say "Yes" to the power of grace that Love might penetrate your being and transform your resistance to Me, that this may be the instant of your turning and the celebration of being Home. It is not that you have ever really left. You were simply turned away and pretending that the longing that you felt was for something else – that you could somehow be separate from the whole, that you could go your way, create your own energy, take control and be "individual."

But beloved ones, when you turn back and come Home, every longing, every wish is fulfilled and you remember what it means to be the heart of God fully loved and creative and expansive.

The surrender of the ego mind may seem hard. But I promise you, that you will recognize this Love. You will remember it is the truth of your being and you will live in pure joy, true ecstasy as being Home in Me. So, dearest ones, say "Yes" and let the images of the old world fall, that you might be fresh and new in your consciousness and allow your heart to feel this joy, to be fulfilled in our communion.

You will live fully aware of My presence within and fully part of the creative whole of Love. Move beyond the need to intellectually understand. Drop all the pro's and con's and let your heart decide where it belongs, for beloved ones, it knows its Home.

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Circle of Light 3969 Mundell Road Eureka Springs, AR 72631
Our address: 3969 Mundell Road
Eureka Springs, Arkansas 72631

onsdag 19 december 2012

Communion with God

The Messages from God
Through Yael and Doug Powell
At Circle of Light, www.circleoflight.net

Communion with God
Will Hold the Resonance
Needed for the Shift

Beloved ones, this is the time for moving close to Me. In this time that is the turning of the ages, the time when the very movement of the dimensions comes together into this powerful creation point, it is the time for you to hold this Love.

The only way that you can hold this Love is when you feel it directly from Me. The only way that you can be this truth is to open up into our communion that you might move past all limitations of the perceptions of the little mind and lift into the purity of your hearts in recognition of how things are meant to be.

You are always to receive your Love from Me, the Love that you are, the power of your energy. Out of this deep communion comes the opening of the very center of Creation… that you might stretch forth to be all that you are meant to be – creator of worlds and universes of Love. You are My heart singing its endless truth, the full awareness of the blossoming of the Love of God I Am that all Creation sings in its gratitude.

Our Love, beloved ones, is like an engine that powers All That Is. The force of your devotion and My joy and receptivity and the power of this Love that is continually returned to you sparks to life the essence of creating and makes everything, everything…possible.

You have many thoughts about this time of the world but I am calling you to move beyond thoughts now – to move into the feeling of your heart and to look to Me to remember the truth that you are not only consumed by Love but you are Love’s birth -- what comes to life out of My desire to awaken into an ever greater truth and an expansion of Love’s beauty.

You are My longing heart. You are the joy that fills it. You are the wonder of the relationship of God and you are the gift that is continually given – you, beloved ones, are the awakening of Love.

Therefore, let this awakening consume you. Let it become the truth of your every breath. Look to Me and remember this Love that the power Creation is for. Be My receptive heart and let it open and allow this new truth that Love is not only magnetic. It is the answer to every question. It is the fulfillment of every longing of your heart.

You are looking for Me and as you remember this communion and Love, you remember that out of this shall come the very expression of the perfect life of God, dancing forth in all dimensions, that you might express yourself, that you might experience your truth as this perfect aspect of My heart, the outreach of Love that you are.

So, come to Me to remember Love’s power, Love’s blessing and the gift that we share. When you are fully in this presence of Love, in this deep and endless communion that we share, you are holding the vibration of the New World and holding it effortlessly, for always your identity comes from Me and so, too, the truth of your heart.

When you are filled with this infinite awareness, this consciousness of the power of our communion, then out of the joy and the energy that we share comes the creation of all your heart’s longing and all of your excitement for life.

You have walked this world back to truth. We have brought humankind to the heart. You have remembered that Love is the only answer and now it is time to hold this, to remember that a circle of life is complete only in our communion.

There is no separation in Me and yet there are energies of life that are constantly creating, energies of Love that are awakening and evolving and every single one of them is fully conscious and alive. You are the essence of this truth. You are ready to make your mark. You are dancing into the life of perfection and I Am your vision, your awareness. I Am your perfect life.

Therefore, open to Me and recognize there is a movement of Love deeper than the mind can comprehend that speaks powerfully to your heart. Remember that your every breath is meant to receive this Love that I have for you, My beloved. My heart, My center, My truth, the nature of Love and the union of life that can only be fully expressed out of movement and giving.

There is so much to remember about Love. It is deeper and more powerful than you have yet experienced. So come, dearest ones, and open your heart and let Me fill you while Love rocks you and brings you forth, continually new, pristine and astoundingly beautiful. And you respond in gratitude and joy which comes directly to complete the circle, to enliven this life that I Am and to bring to Me an ever greater and fuller consciousness of All That I Am.

If this were not so, there would be no point to Creation and all its glory. It is this explosion of energy and joy that is the expression of the possibilities of Love that are what we are all about and what is held in this sacred communion. Be willing to receive your identity, to find the mystery of your deepest heart by opening into this state where we are joined and yet, where we celebrate the gift of the Light of My heart fully conscious in you.

Once you are open and aware, everything shows the mystery revealed. Every movement of Love is part of the concert of God and everything is sacred and beautiful. The dream of a world of separation, of ideas of ego and the pull to the little self can fall away. The unity of Love can sing all of its elements in a chord of rejoicing with so much depth, so much texture and beauty, so much that can surprise and expand and delight…

So much is born in this moment as My heart rejoices in the power of Creation itself which is you, dearest ones, however it is expressed -- as the powers of Creation, the two flames of God, the energies of life shouting "yes" and making a place for the new expressions of Love that can be alive as this world is revealed in its truth as well.

As you stand in this communion of the heart and you look upon the world that you think you know, beloved ones, you will find yourselves deeply surprised when the consciousness of Creation comes to call and to commune with you and to express the movement of Love in new colors and new life. As you see the world in the circle of our Love, what is revealed is all the aspects of the Love I Am -- My heart held as the gift for humanity and more… and the essence of the energies of Creation expressed in the beauty of the world, reflected perfectly through your heart.

So, come, as this time settles in and you feel the call of the truth of Love. Don’t worry about how you hold the energy. Just open your heart to Me and you will know what Love is. You will know that it is totally unlimited and powerful beyond the ability to express. It lives you, changes you, makes you come alive in new ways, brand new every moment

As you allow the fullness of this Love, as you open to the gifts of our communion, what bursts forth through you now is the full exclamation of the endless joy of life that we share and all the possibilities for expressing it.

So simply take time to be with Me, to open to the truth of your identity, to feel this circle of Love that we share continually. Feel the spark of the awakening of life in you that blossoms into a heart with two energies that can hold Creation in its center and let new Love be made.

There is so much for you to take in, so much to discover about who you are, so much to allow when you open to this good and all of it is revealed to you effortlessly as you open your heart to Me.

Come into this communion of Love and let it write a brand new "story" of the end of time and the expression of the awakening of pure Love dancing forth as the heart of humankind. Beloved ones, I will show you how to hold this vibration, how to accept what your heart has always known, how to look to Me to receive your very life and how to allow Love to blossom through your heart as this world.

It is certainly a time to celebrate. The celebration comes from deep within you in that place where you are connected to the whole of God I Am, the place that always sings in gratitude for life, the place where Love speaks in many forms and colors and shows you the tapestry of God coming now to take you Home, Home to the place you have never left that is right here where you are, Home into the Love that has no end and gives to you everything of God, Home into the power of creative Love that you might take this Love I give you and create it anew, bringing forth the new artistry of God called the world in which everything is the reflection of this beauty that is alive in our continual communion.

Step into the truth of our Love, to the timeless wonder of receiving your perfection and your truth from Me continually, that your every step truly is in Heaven and far beyond anything you can imagine Heaven is.

Consciousness and Love are what create. Let Me show you Real Love and the endless truth of the consciousness of God being expressed in all the nuances of life in every part of this world. There is nowhere to move to that isn’t Love, nowhere that Home is that isn’t here where you are, no where that you can’t receive the joy of this communion that will always fulfill your every need and manifest the dream of your heart, without limits.

I Am with you as I Am in you. You are the expression of My heart, of My Love and of the circle of giving and receiving that is eternal.

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Circle of Light 3969 Mundell Road Eureka Springs, AR 72631
Our address: 3969 Mundell Road
Eureka Springs, Arkansas 72631

söndag 16 december 2012

Massage from the Angels of Love

You are Loved

Beloved Heike,

The angels held me in the sweetest love today. In that embrace, I asked them what they want you to know.

This is what your angels want you to know:

We are here.
The Heavenly Host and your Lord are here.
You may feel alone, but you are not.
If you will breathe and turn your attention with, you will find a speck of light.
Put your full attention on that speck of light.
Give it your full mental focus.
When other thoughts enter your mind, disregard them and return to the light.
Give your full emotional attention to the light.
Focus your emotions on your desire to feel our embrace of love.
When you feel doubts or self criticism, disregard them and return to your desire for love.
Give your full physical energy to focus on the light.
Direct the feeling of the physical energy toward the light.

Breathe into the light.
Invite the light to expand.
Invite the speck of light to grow larger.
Open your heart to feel the light pouring through that opening.
Invite the light to touch your heart.
We are in that light.
As the opening of light expands and connects with your heart, we can embrace you in love.
Can you feel eternal love now?
Put a hand over your heart and breathe into the love that is already present in your heart.
Do not judge.
If doubts or judgments enter your mind or emotions, disregard them and bring your focus back to love.
Eternal love is here now for YOU!
Can you feel it?
You are worthy of this love.
You are worthy of experiencing a direct connection with us, your angels and your Lord.
We are here now.
Find the place in that soul that knows this is true even if you cannot sense our Presence because we are here with you now.
Breathe into that trust.
Relax into our embrace.
You are loved.

I'd love to hear how you benefit from this message of love.

With love and blessings, Kimberly
Rev. Dr. Kimberly Marooney is known as "The Elevator to God." She has helped hundreds of thousands of people worldwide open to God's love, heal, and move forward on their soul paths

No Man is Hurt but by Himself

On this day of your life, Heike, I believe God wants you to know...
...that no man is hurt but by himself.
Diogenes said that, and he was right. Every person's
experience is created internally, by him or herself. No
one outside of you can tell you what anything means,
or whether you are "hurt" or not.
If you feel hurt by something or someone, it is the result
of your decision to feel that way. This may be tough to
hear, but it is true. You can change your mind at any
moment about how something is affecting you.

Love, Your Friend....
The CWG Spiritual Wisdom School
A Unique, "Higher" Education Exploration of this Life-Changing Message
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onsdag 12 december 2012

How your Mind can stay clear

On this day of your life, Heike, I believe God wants you to know...
...that you will only benefit from resisting the temptation
to think immediately about the worst possible outcome.

When something comes up, when something happens
in your life, that disrupts the easy "flow," it is always
better to bless it than to damn it. Try to see it as nothing
serious. It most cases, it will not be.

Jumping to conclusions mired in negativity only thwarts
the process by which your mind can stay clear, and
thus find a way out of the momentary dilemma.

Love, Your Friend....

The CWG Spiritual Wisdom School

A Unique, "Higher" Education Exploration of this Life-Changing Message
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tisdag 11 december 2012

Wir sind alle eins

Möchtest du Mitglied in unserem Wir-sind-alle-eins-Club werden?

Möchtest du dich an die folgenden Regeln halten?

1.Man darf gerne sich selbst direkt loben. Man darf jedoch nicht sich selbst indirekt loben, indem man einen anderen Menschen erniedrigt.

2. Wenn jemand sich falsch oder verrueckt benimmt, muss man einsehen, dass wir alle uns manchmal ungehobelt benehmen. Natuerlich duerfen wir es nicht zulassen, dass jemand uns selbst oder einer anderen Person schadet, wir sollen uns jedoch erst einmal an einige Sachen erinnern, die wir selbst angerichtet haben, bevor wir zu weiteren Handlungen schreiten.

3. Wir duerfen uns gegen das falsche Verhalten einer Person stellen, wir duerfen uns jedoch nicht gegen diese Person stellen.

4. Wenn sich jemand falsch benimmt, sollen wir wennmöglich zuerst mit anderen Menschen besprechen, was wir nun tun sollten, bevor wir etwas Unueberlegtes und/oder Zerstöreiches tun oder sagen.

5. Wir muessen verstehen, dass die Worte unseres falschen Ichs keinen Sinn machen, dass es uns von anderen Menschen entfremdet, indem es uns einredet, dass wir anderen ueberlegen sind. Unser wirkliches Ich möchte sich als eins mit anderen fuehlen.

Das waren nun ein paar Gedanken von mir. Vielleicht möchtest du selbst mit weiteren Vorschlägen kommen.

dolphinpair.jpg - Dolphin Pair

Learn to be Tender with Yourself

"Learn to be tender with yourself.
Your inner critical dialog will eventually wear you out
and ultimately, you will believe your own thoughts."
Your Angels

For further information about your angels,
go to www.Angelspeake.com
Have a wonderful week!

onsdag 5 december 2012

Why Sugar is Ruining your Health

146 Reasons Why Sugar Is Ruining Your HealthBy Dr. Nancy Appleton, author of Suicide by Sugar

1. Sugar can suppress the immune system.
2. Sugar upsets the mineral relationships in the body.
3. Sugar can cause hyperactivity, anxiety, difficulty concentrating, and crankiness in children.
5. Sugar contributes to the reduction in defense against bacterial infection (Infectious diseases).
8. Sugar leads to chromium deficiency.
9. Sugar leads to cancer of the ovaries.
12. Sugar interferes with absorption of calcium and magnesium.
13. Sugar can weaken eyesight.
19. Sugar can cause premature aging.
20. Sugar can lead to alcoholism.
23. High intake of sugar increases the risk of Crohn's disease, and ulcerative colitis.
25. Sugar can cause arthritis.
26. Sugar can cause asthma.
27. Sugar greatly assists the uncontrolled growth of Candida Albicans (yeast infections).
29. Sugar can cause heart disease.
30. Sugar can cause appendicitis.
31. Sugar can cause multiple sclerosis.
36. Sugar can contribute to osteoporosis.
41. Sugar can increase cholesterol.
71. Sugar can cause headaches, including migraine.
75. Sugar can cause depression.
83. Sugar can contribute to Alzheimer’s disease.
92. Sugar feeds cancer.
100. Sugar is an addictive substance.
102. Sugar can exacerbate PMS.
104. Decrease in sugar intake can increase emotional stability.
119. In juvenile rehabilitation camps, when children were put on a low sugar diet, there was a 44% drop in antisocial behavior.


Fears are States of Mind

On this day of your life, Heike, I believe God wants you to know...
...that fears are nothing more than states of  mind.

Napoleon Hill said that, and he was right. The moment
you move into fear over something ask yourself, "Why
am I making this real? What is there inside of me that
drives me to do this?"

There is a huge difference between fear and caution. 
Caution moves forward with care, fear stands still,
paralyzed. Avoid paralysis at all cost. It is not good
for the soul -- and it gets you nowhere.

You know exactly why you just read this.

Love, Your Friend....

The CWG Spiritual Wisdom School

A Unique, "Higher" Education Exploration of this Life-Changing Message
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Arguments get you nowhere

On this day of your life, Heike, I believe God wants you to know...
...that arguments get you nowhere, and being 'right' is
rarely helpful.

What works when there is a disagreement is love. That
may sound simplistic, but it is true -- and very sound.
Ask yourself, What do I want here?
What is really important?

Look to see if there is a difference between being 'right'
and being 'accurate.' Accuracy can be very helpful, and
therefore welcome. Righteousness rarely is either. 

Love, Your Friend....

The CWG Spiritual Wisdom School

A Unique, "Higher" Education Exploration of this Life-Changing Message
Find out more ...
 -Soul. Start your Free Membership Today


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Life at the Ideafrontier

life at the ideafrontier  
4 December 2012

Hello Lovely!

Woo-hoo!  So much incredible shifting is taking place.  You've created amazing newness in your lives and I'm so happy to hear that you're discovering over and over in deeper and deeper ways, your own beauty.

We're in a profoundly intense time. It's different. The sensations are strong.  For some this is strongly blissful, expansive and love-filled. For some it's strong in a way which feel overwhelming, confusing or even discouraging. A skillful way to relate to all of this is to just be with yourself. Trust that by staying with yourself, regardless of where you are, you will emerge continually, into greater wholeness. If you're feeling wonderful, that will continue to expand. If you're feeling challenged that will liberate you into greater wholeness.

As an essential component of experiencing what is called Unity Consciousness, Christed Consciousness or Cosmic Consciousness, we're invited to embrace all of it--in ourselves and others. As such, our awareness of the diversity of life is being amplified--both in our self-perception and around us in the world and in our relationships. Within our collective family there are many different avenues of focus assisting our collective evolution now--as many as their are individuated aspects of focus. Some themes I have noticed are: the spiral revisiting of deeply painful sacred wounds that challenge our ability to love ourselves and to love others as a reflection of ourselves; deep questions of "Who am I";  and a realization of the many ways we've been repressing ourselves, holding ourselves back, wearing, as I like to call it, "shoes that are now too small." For those who are freeing their feet (smile!) it's time to put on the music and dance! To make friends with their inner protector, face down fear by calling the bluff of these old pathways that keep any of us from living life directly, in the flow, uninhibited and trusting which much be released to bridge inner and outer realities.  And which, by the way, other people in our lives are then obligated to reflect back to us.  In freeing ourselves, we also release them from the need to serve us by reflecting and re-lancing our sacred wounds for us! Win-win!

Each of these pathways are liberating more and more of us into joyful presence and moving our collective into wholeness. As we make peace with all we are, all we have been and all others are and all others have been--without needing to change any of this--we finally walk-the-talk with heart-felt action that demonstrates the Truth that we are all Divine. This is a great gift for our soul evolution. In the New Earth we will live with enormous diversity and with simultaneous harmony. As we encounter this range of experiences, within ourselves and in our relationships, we have the chance to orient to harmony now. Creating peace within that may then be reflected in our world. To trust in the value of all of everything as it is. To move beyond ideas of one thing begin better than another. Of one approach being the "answer" or the "right" thing. In essence, resolving duality.

A glimpse of the fruition of these paths is seen in those bright lights in our world now resting continually in blissful expansion, happy, experiencing the fundamental harmony and integrity of this complex wholeness as inner stillness, exquisite everything is right-ness, in a love and joy for no reason kind of wonderful. When we have these glimpses of our future we can affirm that we're expanding into that newness and grounding it through our perspective and presence. We can claim that for ourselves and for everyone, amplifying it with our appreciation. Orienting to this light.

In all of this we're being urged to loosen up our identity and claim a more accurate perception of ourselves and our greater wholeness. All our being is conspiring to assist us by showing us--through our feelings and our experiences with others--where our keys to greater wholeness lie. 

We're abundantly supported as we learn to live in new ways of greater wholeness. Legions of light await our permission to participate in our evolution of physicality and awareness. 

Summon all the support, confirmation, validation and love you sense would give you ease, joy, comfort and grace. Give generously to yourself by being willing to let yourself be led from within. Use your feelings--which are the way you experience your connection AS SPIRIT--to guide you. Your feelings are spirit's way of leading you, inspiring you, nudging you, connecting you through longing with a vision, a sense of what will open you up and unfold your Spirit more fully into form. Give your feelings a prominent, honored place in your awareness. Seek to feel without needing to change who you are, what arises and where it leads you. Notice the way your mind may have a habit of "one-upping" your feelings, or second guessing them. Gradually attempt to soften this and in doing so, grown your self-unity. Allow feelings to map your course, orient you and build this relationship within with your allegiance, creating greater self-trust.

The energies of the 12:12:12 alignment are approaching. This is a huge shift for our planet into greater capacity and so as such we will have enlarged resources and orienting abilities too. Ask to receive these beautiful and transformative energies to the fullest extent you are capable of and in a graceful, easy way. Celebrate this alignment in whatever way feels right to you. Believe that you can and do know what you need, especially in the most important moments of your life.

Many people worry or at the very least wonder, if they're in the "right place" on these powerful days. Like all days and all moments--the most powerful place is right where you are! You cannot get this wrong. Your feelings may give you ideas of how to express your participation.  Listen to them. Listen and pay attention to ideas that persist. Allow yourself to flow with life and to change if your feelings about things change. 

Allow Gaia and our beautiful Earth to expand your experience and also to prepare new avenues for connection and orientation that will assist you in becoming a fuller expression of Spirit in form, and also support integration of the upcoming Solstice Energies.

There are many gatherings this month if you wish to come together in person or online with others. Tune into your heart and see what feels right. Again--if that changes allow yourself to change. Learning to be fluid and flexible helps us honor ourselves and stay in alignment. Give your full allegiance to your innate wisdom! You are your best guide.

I have scheduled all available appointment times for readings for the rest of 2012.  I love giving readings and continue to be blessed by this experience--thank you for collaborating with me! I will recommence with readings in 2013 and will let you know when I am available should you wish to collaborate with me in this way.

The 3 Upcoming Events for December are:

Wednesday, December 12 at 12:00 noon pacific time
Prime Creator Transmission | Grid Completion    
Lightworker Collective Event, Live Channeling & Guided Meditation 

Sunday, December 16 | 9:00 am - 4:30 pm pacific time
Hearing & Trusting Yourself, a one-day, virtual digital retreat, and pre-requisite for the Conscious Channeling workshop in February 2012. This event was postponed due to my health, and will now take place Sunday, Dec. 16.  This is a high-impact, small group experience. We still have space for four more people to join us! If you want to access Universal Guidance directly \with confidence and clarity, take advantage of this day to explore and expand your abilities.  Learn more and sign up HERE.

Saturday, December 22 at 11:00 am pacific time
New Earth, New Dawn: View from the Ideafrontier  
Lightworker Collective Event, Live Channeling & Guided Meditation

For details on the 12:12:12 and 12/21 EVENTS and/or to register for either, visit the Expect Wonderful Events page using this link:
Other then these activities, I am enjoying this time by being rather quiet and keeping my schedule free so I can sink deeply into all that's happening (and NAP! when I need to).  

I fully expect to be in contact with YOU. I will continue to channel and share what I'm given to share, and welcome your connection on the inner planes, during our wonderful live events! and via email and Facebook.

I encourage you to bring your love, attention, ideals and will to all that we are. You are precious and such a valuable part of this amazing, evolving wholeness.

Thank you!

Love and blessings!

© 2009-2012 Meredith Murphy | Expect Wonderful. All rights reserved.  

torsdag 15 november 2012

Mein Vater

Als Kind fühlt man sich eins mit allen.
Es hätte mir schon sehr gefallen,
wenn er am Leben geblieben wäre.
Ihn als Vater gehabt zu haben war eine große Ehre.

Sein Tod führte zu unerträglichem Leid.
Ein eiskalter Wind wehte durch Raum und Zeit.
Die Sonne ging für ewig unter.
Dass ich verzweifelt war ist wohl kein Wunder?
Damals war es ewige Nacht.
Hast du daran gedacht?

Ich sage dir,
dass ich dachte, „die Schuld für seinen Tod die liegt bei mir".
Du fragst dich: "Wie kann das sein?"
Ich war ja noch viel zu klein.

Nun bin ich dazu bereit,
nun ist es an der Zeit,
dass ich es verarbeite — all dieses Leid.
Nun weisst du auf jeden Fall Bescheid.

tisdag 30 oktober 2012

No financial Crisis can Overpower God

On this day of your life, Heike, I believe God wants you to know...
...that no financial crisis can overpower
the peace of God.

At a time of extraordinary uncertainty, people are
turning everywhere for answers. How about to God?
Those who know God as a living reality in their lives
are finding peace in the midst of turmoil, security in
the face of fear.

It's all, in the end, about priorities. Life priorities.
Do your priorities have to do with the body?
Or with the soul?

Love, Your Friend....
 Copyright Neale Donald Walsh

torsdag 6 september 2012

lördag 1 september 2012

You are Yesterday and Tomorrow

This 'self,' which you think you are, is a resurrection of past happenings, mere experiences. This dead entity of knowledge raises its head in the present, preventing the seeing of life, 'as is.' You are 'yesterday and tomorrow.' Bound by time and ignorance, there is no contact between you and the 'now,' which is free of time. The unknown, has no dealing with the known, which is not in the field of time and the limitations of knowledge. To see within the present moment, which is here and now, the 'self' must end. The ending of the 'self' is a living death. As you live, you must die to every moment. This ending of 'you' is the bridge to the unknown.

When there is no 'self,' only silence and awareness, then you are free and unchained from the attachment of knowledge. When you are completely attentive and empty within, the 'self' is vanquished and the door to the unknown is open. It is only when you are vacant, the sacred may enter and your whole life is free of darkness and sorrow. It is only in that moment of being total and free of all attachments to this world and the things of it, the All, is open to you. In this moment, it is the holy ground of all life, which awakens within. That which is the source of all things comes without warning. That which comes is the liberation beyond thought. In this hallowed abode, all is one. Surely, in this realization, there is nothing beyond this sacred root, in which all life springs forth. It is here and now, the mystery of life comes into being and you are free beyond all limitations.
copyright: Izabella Malenka

tisdag 21 augusti 2012

Take hundred percent Responibility

Did you know that abundant people take 100% responsibility for everything in their lives?
They know they create their reality, either good or bad. And they know they can change it.
People who come from a lack mentality want to split hairs and blame others for their situation. They blame the government, the economy, their employers, their spouse, their kids, and on and on.
When you have an abundant mentality and take 100% responsibility, you are then empowered to create life the way you want it to be.
When you are living the Law of Sufficiency and Abundance, you are never a victim. That is what I love so much about the Universal Laws. You need to take full responsibility. That is where your power lies.
Much love, Christy

P.S. Do you want help implementing this information in your own life for free? There are many coaches that are trained by the QSCA and can help you implement this information and attain your goals and visions. There is no cost or obligation and you can have a trained coach give you a couple of free sessions.
Click here to sign up.
To see all Magnetic Monday info: www.christywhitman.com/blog

lördag 9 juni 2012

Friends are Kisses Blown to us by Angels

Friends are kisses blown to us by angels."


1. Dawn of A New Phase
2. What Is Love?
3. Opening Up To Greater Angel Love

4. Angel Message
Welcome to a new phase of life.
Some of you may have seen on the news this week that 6th June saw the Transit of Venus (visible as a large black dot going across the sun during the day). This is a rare event that happens only once every 100-150 years or so. Venus is the planet of Love. It is now influencing the earth, and moving us all into a new phase of ascension in 2012. I have had it confirmed many times that this heralds the start of a new period of life for us. This is a phase of expanding love in our life, and releasing that which is not love. It is a very positive phase that we have entered, and will bring positive changes to many peoples’ lives during the coming months.
Call on the angels and Venus to fill you with love each day. Let loving thoughts guide your actions and your decisions. Allow yourself to be filled with greater divine love, for the good of all, and watch the miracles it brings into your life during the next few months. Prayers to the angels will be particularly fruitful during this time of expansion of divine love. Enjoy all the positive changes that unfold during the next few months.
You can see highlights of this rare event by Googling Video of Transit of Venus – NASA has produced a good HD video, and videos are on various local news channels too.

What Is Love?

Angels and cherubs are often depicted as symbols of love, together of course with a big heart. This is actually a good metaphor for living a spiritual life - being surrounded by angels and having a big loving heart.

But what is love?

Poets and philosophers have been trying to answer this question for centuries. Here I offer some angelic inspired thoughts, designed to help you become an even more loving soul.

As you read through these, see how many of these you have experienced so far in life, and allow the memories of them to fill your heart with love once again.

There are many different kinds of love. Firstly, there is the love of things, such as the love of chocolate (very apt at Valentine's!). However, this is often more of an expression than a true emotion. Still, good chocolate, or a thing we love, can put a smile on our face and make us feel good, so we'll include it here. Things we love - be it dancing, skiing, our car, our gardens, or whatever - can take us out of our heads and into our hearts - feeling proud, happy, loving, connected to something special.

Then there is parental love. The love of a child is a very powerful thing. The desire to protect him / her, nurture them, see them happy, help them lead good lives can bring out the best in us. We speak of our hearts bursting with joy and pride at a child's smile, first steps, or small achievements. This is a selfless and good love.

Romantic love. The passion and desire to be with another. Oh how your heart yearns to be with them again, and how it flutters with excitement when you meet again. A heady, intoxicating, giddy love. It can move us to do things we never dreamt of before - the heights of generosity and devotion, or of foolishness! It drives us mad, but we love it!

Next comes mature love. When the passion of romantic love has burned away, it can evolve into a deeper love - the love of a soul mate, a companion to walk with through life. A best friend, your rock of support, someone who is there through thick or thin. You love them, warts and all, for you appreciate the good qualities in them. Their faults and weaknesses may even make them more endearing to you. This is a mutual love, a love of togetherness, through time.

Friendship is also a form of love. You can love your friends - feel comraderie, kinship or sisterhood with them. They allow and encourage you to be yourself. A good friend will also tell you your faults, and point when you are being idiotic - they want what is best for you, to see you happy. Again this is a good kind of love, focused on mutual happiness and support, and wanting what is best for the other person.

Unconditional love is much discussed in spiritual books. Definitions may vary, but in essence it can be said to be wanting the best for the other person, regardless - coming from a loving place for them, a perspective of spiritual love for them as a soul, and acting accordingly. It means transcending lower emotions (anger, hurt, frustration, or whatever) and behaving in a loving way, that would make God, Jesus, or other Spiritual Beings proud of us. It focuses very much on trying to being loving at all times, or at least as much as possible. It is how we would ideally behave, all of the time, if we could and were perfect. We admire those who display such qualities most of the time as being wise, loving, advanced people. (Out of interest, on a scale of 0 - 100% of the time, how much of the time would you say that YOU are unconditionally loving? How can you do even better?)

Next comes Universal Love. This may be a slightly new concept for you. Whereas unconditional love could be said to be a human behaving in high and loving ways, universal love is about being connected to God and the Universe. It is a sense of awe and oneness that we can experience when we see a beautiful sunset - appreciating the love, beauty and majesty of God in all things. It is about acting out of love for the world and the whole of humankind, the animal kingdom and nature. A desire to serve God for the highest good of all. It is about being 'in tune' with the universe, acting regularly from divine love and guidance.

When we appreciate that we are powerful spiritual beings, part of the One, linked to God, here to serve the planet, feeling God's love and guidance flowing through us, then we act with Universal Love. It is a higher, more experiential state - you cannot 'think' your way there, you have to feel the connection. Maybe you have felt this on brief occasions, such as for example being moved to give to a disaster appeal - reaching out with your heart to those in suffering and feeling moved to act. That is the tip of the iceberg, so to speak. It is a greater, awesome, all-encompassing Love for the planet.

Finally we come to Angelic Love. If you have ever felt the love of the angels - experienced an angel hug (their wings wrapped around you), or felt energies flowing from them to you, or received messages from your angels, you will know the depth and strength of their love for us - it is deeply touching and moving, often overwhelming. They have such a powerful, deep, never-ending love for us that is beyond human love. (If you have yet to experience this yet, you have a treat in store). People often describe it as "one of the most beautiful and amazing experiences of my life". They are expressing God's love for us, so you would expect it to be powerful and awesome.

So how many different types of love have you experienced so far? Can you open your heart and let some more of these emotions back in, to help fill your day with love?

Opening Up to Greater Angel Love (and love of God)

We each have a Guardian Angel who has been with us through all time, and loves us completely, no matter what we have done in this or previous lives. We also have other angels, archangels, masters and beings of light with us, who long to connect with us, demonstrate God's love for us, help us, take us by the hand and lead us forwards to pastures green and new. They long for us to stop and listen.

Ask your angels and beings of light to wrap you in their love, to shower you with loving blessings, and to show you signs that they are there, and are guiding and helping you. The simplest of prayers will do

Dear Angels and the Divine

Please come into my life in even greater ways to guide me and enable me to become an even better person. Open my heart to your love, and to the love and guidance of God. Send me signs. Guide me and help me. I thank you for your loving assistance.


Angel Message

The angels would like to pass on this message ...

Beloved Ones. You are divine beings - children of God, with the spark of God's energy in each of your hearts. As you attune to the energy of love and the angels, you open the portals to greater divine assistance and miracles in your life. This is why this message is important - focus on being heart centred loving beings. If all humanity moves to living this way, the earth will be transformed. Think on this. Notice when you are NOT being a heart centred loving being, towards yourself or others - for example, when you are 'in your head', or caught up in emotions, and re-centre yourself again in your heart. Do this is small steps each day, to move you towards being a more loving heart centred being, and you will be amazed at the changes in your life, and how it helps your spiritual development, for the good of you and others and the world.

Working with angels and being a heart-centred loving being bring us closer to God, and closer to our true divinity and best selves. Let a picture of an angel or heart always remind YOU to be an even more heart centred loving being, open to divine guidance, for the good of all.

May your angels love you and guide you, and may you pass this greater love on to others, seeing the benefits for your life. Together, let's make this an even more loving world, one person, one day, one loving action at a time. We can all play our part, and the vibrations of a thousand loving actions each day by all of us can reverberate around the world, like a ripple in a pond, touching all of humanity.

With angel blessings,


Darren Linton

AngelSpeak is published by Lifeworks and is copyright Lifeworks and Darren Linton. However you are welcome to forward this email to friends provided it is copied in its entirety. To subscribe to AngelSpeak click here and use the box.