söndag 16 december 2012

Massage from the Angels of Love

You are Loved

Beloved Heike,

The angels held me in the sweetest love today. In that embrace, I asked them what they want you to know.

This is what your angels want you to know:

We are here.
The Heavenly Host and your Lord are here.
You may feel alone, but you are not.
If you will breathe and turn your attention with, you will find a speck of light.
Put your full attention on that speck of light.
Give it your full mental focus.
When other thoughts enter your mind, disregard them and return to the light.
Give your full emotional attention to the light.
Focus your emotions on your desire to feel our embrace of love.
When you feel doubts or self criticism, disregard them and return to your desire for love.
Give your full physical energy to focus on the light.
Direct the feeling of the physical energy toward the light.

Breathe into the light.
Invite the light to expand.
Invite the speck of light to grow larger.
Open your heart to feel the light pouring through that opening.
Invite the light to touch your heart.
We are in that light.
As the opening of light expands and connects with your heart, we can embrace you in love.
Can you feel eternal love now?
Put a hand over your heart and breathe into the love that is already present in your heart.
Do not judge.
If doubts or judgments enter your mind or emotions, disregard them and bring your focus back to love.
Eternal love is here now for YOU!
Can you feel it?
You are worthy of this love.
You are worthy of experiencing a direct connection with us, your angels and your Lord.
We are here now.
Find the place in that soul that knows this is true even if you cannot sense our Presence because we are here with you now.
Breathe into that trust.
Relax into our embrace.
You are loved.

I'd love to hear how you benefit from this message of love.

With love and blessings, Kimberly
Rev. Dr. Kimberly Marooney is known as "The Elevator to God." She has helped hundreds of thousands of people worldwide open to God's love, heal, and move forward on their soul paths

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