torsdag 25 juli 2013
Mother/Father God
Part 182
Channel: Dr Kathryn E May, PsyD
July 24 2013
Dear Ones, have you all been listening to the BlogTalkRadio shows in addition to reading these messages? If so, you are now aware of the wonderful news we have given to you about the immense changes on the planet.
Here is the announcement: All contracts are finished, ended. All soul contracts are now cancelled. All those who came here to Planet Earth to manage difficult illnesses, complicated relationships, and challenging handicaps are now freed of all pain, all suffering. You now are completely free to exercise your free will without karmic strings, as you might think of it.
In addition, all financial contracts such as mortgages, car loans, student loans and other commitments which have been arranged through banking institutions of all kinds are hereby cancelled. Personal commitments between friends will of course still be important to uphold, but corporations and banks will no longer be recognized as viable creditors because of the criminal and lawless system on which they are based.
It is time for all of you to reclaim your freedom, take command of your own lives, and find your voices, as you see others around the world doing by taking to the streets to proclaim their passionate desire for a better life - one of dignity and the self-expression which democracy allows.
Your Planet has declared her desire to ascend, and it has been done. You are now all in the historic position of being invited to elevate your consciousness to take part in the most ambitious plan ever executed in the history of the galaxy. Now, in the span of one Earth lifetime, you can move from a 3-dimensional life to the coming Golden Age in the higher 5th dimension. This is the Paradise on Earth that was promised in your ancient texts.
Every soul is given the opportunity to join in this magnificent adventure, because of course you have all known since before you came here that you would be taking part in this Ascension. It was a very prestigious opportunity, this lifetime journey. There are Masters and Angels, aspiring beginning souls and ancient Saints who have come to experience a last lifetime here on Earth, in the somewhat infamous heavy, dense and difficult atmosphere.
Here, the challenges abound for learning charity, patience, compassion and empathy. A triumphant life is one in which the person can live through the temptations, pain, disappointments and dangers and still come out at the end of their lives with a connection to their hearts intact.
This was the last opportunity for all souls to experience this 3rd dimensional, free will planet, because Mother Earth decided some time ago that it was her desire to leave this dimension, and she has accomplished it by fulfilling her long commitment to humankind. She has fulfilled her contract with Us, Mother/Father God, to care for our beloved children, and she was granted her wish to ascend into a higher dimension, which she has done.
Many on Planet Earth are not aware at this moment that everything has changed. It is for them that we send this message through Kathryn. We hope to reach all the people, all ages, all cultures, and all the corners of the globe, to tell them of our great Love for them, and our great hope that each one will awaken and join in the glorious Shift into a higher plane of existence.
It has been a long and difficult road, this transition from Darkness to Light. Many have suffered; many have had to repeat lifetime after lifetime to advance in their learning process, but lessons learned on Planet Earth are indelibly etched in consciousness. This is why it is a most popular place to incarnate, by virtue of its having been in the throes of a revolutionary battle between Light and Dark for eons.
And now, Dear Children, you are within moments of completing your lifetime here. You have the choice this time to ascend with the body you occupy now. You will be taken off the planet to be renewed, restored to perfect health in a body in which you will be able to live forever. In the meantime, Mother Earth will do the same. When she does, she will be restored to the pristine loveliness and purity of her original beauty.
You will not have to worry about Armageddon; there will be no terrifying pole shift or world war. All nuclear weapons have been neutralized; those Dark Ones who have secretly controlled the resources of the planet have been removed from power. Many will be tried for crimes against humanity and will be prevented from ever returning to positions of influence.
You have been seeing the UFOs in your skies for generations now. Crop circles containing messages to humankind have been created so frequently as to have become a common occurrence. Your scientists and governments around the world have long been aware that your extraterrestrial brothers and Sisters are trying to make contact with you in a peaceful way, but the wall of secrecy and lies has grown with every encounter. Those who control the wealth on the planet did not want to give up their power by allowing the people to have free energy, new ways of communicating, and the other great advantages which these visitors possess.
Now, the final chapter of this saga of Planet Earth has begun. Everything is changing at a very rapid pace. You will finally begin to see evidence in your mainstream media of the profound shift which will allow those who have lived lives of service to others to be revealed as your Ascended Masters, and they will be standing by to help with the dramatic changes you will be feeling. There will be announcements to inform you of the true history and progress of the evolution toward Light. Nothing will remain the same, so there will be no possibility that you can remain detached from what is going on. Every being on the planet will be required to choose their path - to ascend to a higher level of consciousness or to end this life in the usual way - through death and the return to God in the usual way.
Those who choose to ascend now to higher levels of consciousness will be freed of the process of reincarnation in life after life, and will be given the ability to live eternally in the higher expression of life in a lighter, more highly evolved body in higher dimensions. Those who choose not to join the Ascension will continue their lessons at lower levels in other places.
Earth will no longer be available as the 3-dimensional proving ground. She has been recognized for her millions of years of service, and has at last been granted Ascension. She has selflessly slowed her process to allow as many as possible to awaken and join her in this glorious graduation to higher dimensions.
The Shift has occurred because of the great numbers of humankind who have awakened once more - after thousands of years of being separated from their connection to God. Religion as you have known it will drop away, as everyone discovers that they can communicate directly with Us, Mother/Father God, We are here with you always, whispering in your ear, and for those who have listened to the radio shows with Kathryn and Anne, you have talked with Us in person.
This week, we have announced definitively that the one you have known as Zorra is in fact Father God. It was easier for many to talk freely and to ask questions when the voice they heard was given a more familiar identity which everyone could relate to, but now it is time for you to be given the Truth in its whole form. You have felt our Love in your lives at times when you were most open. Unfortunately, those were most often times of suffering, confusion and pain. You have not felt the great pleasures of living in the constant stream of Endless Love we have been sending to you since the moment you were born.
This is what we offer you now: a life of Heavenly Grace, immersed in the Love, Light, Compassion, Forgiveness, Joy, Peace and Harmony which has been the dream of your dear Jesus, the one who has dedicated his life in body and in spirit, to this Grand Plan. The Ascension of Planet Earth and of all Humankind will mark the end of all suffering, all want, all poverty and degradation of Mother Earth herself. The New Golden Age begins now, and you are all invited to attend the coming-out party, which will be held when the ships containing your Star Brothers and Sisters, including Jesus Sananda, St. Germain, Ashtar, Archangel Michael and all the Ascended Masters who have helped to make this transition possible.
Yes, Jesus will return, very soon. He is waiting now, in his role as Admiral of his ship, The New Jerusalem. With him are the Twin Flames - the mirror souls - of many who are incarnated here now. You will all meet as soon as the Disclosure of their presence has been made official in every corner of the Earth. The announcements will be simultaneous and undeniable. Every radio, television, cell phone and iPad will carry the message that Planet Earth and her people are at last free, by their own efforts, with help from their galactic Brothers and Sisters.
We are offering this message today, July 24, 2013, so that you can share it with every single person you know. Begin by printing out dozens of copies of this message, which will be posted on and and many other websites across the world. We ask you to give a copy to everyone you work with and every neighbor you speak with. Hand them out on street corners. You will be doing a great service by giving your friends and family advanced preparation for the stunning events which will unfold so rapidly before your eyes that the uninformed will be overwhelmed by the wonder and apparent impossibility of it.
Don t miss out on the joy because you are afraid or suspicious or wary of any news that does not align with the half-truths you have been familiar with. Do not be concerned that people will think you are a raving crack-pot. Very shortly they will thank you with such overwhelming gratitude and relief that any fears you might have had will melt away. You who are awake and aware must be the leaders in this time of adjustment. People will be confused, disoriented and therefore afraid if they cannot be assured of their loving connection with God, which will anchor them and reassure them that this Shift is for the better. Nothing will be lost; everything will go on, but in a different form, as you have been taught in the First Law of Thermodynamics.
Relationships will continue, in more loving and accepting form, and all will discover their true spiritual identity as participants in the glorious Earth project. All children, animals and other spirit beings will ascend effortlessly. It is the adults we are concerned with. Time is short. Raise your consciousness and your vibrational level by taking complete command of your thoughts, feelings and actions. Open your hearts to love without judgment. Practice forgiveness in all your relationships, and do not permit yourself to fall into condemnation or judgment of anyone, even those who have hurt you or those who practice a different religion or ideology than your own. All will melt away in the elevation to Oneness which comes with Ascension into higher dimensions.
Your bodies, your present identities and all you thought of as reality will be revealed as the brief moment in eternity it really is. You will soon learn to feel and use your God powers, for you are indeed created in our image. You are Gods, each and every one. You only need accept the close connection to Us which flows through you. We are your Creators and your biggest fans. Unlike human parents, we never lose patience or hope or trust in your ultimate triumph as individual souls and as precious members of the great legion of intelligent, conscious beings. It is time for you to take your place among the Galactic Federation of Light as full member representatives of your Planet Earth.
You will soon see the thousands of ships and the millions of Star Brothers and Sisters who are here to embrace you and bring you gifts. Welcome them with open hearts and minds. Leave behind the old concepts about warlike conquerers. These are beings - human and otherwise, whose civilizations have evolved far beyond yours, emotionally, philosophically and technologically. Their technology is far advanced of yours, created with Love and used only for the Greater Good.
Read our many messages to you, which have all been posted free for all the world to read on Kathryn s website, Take this message to the world, as a current events introduction to what is happening now in your world. Show it to everyone you know. Talk about what you have learned here, and supplement it with further information from the web site. Do not jump to conclusions on the basis of this one message. If you have questions, read further, ask questions on the BlogTalkRadio shows which are offered every Wednesday at 8:30 pm EDT and every other Saturday at 12 EDT. (See schedules on both websites.) Kathryn channels our messages live, along with information from Jesus and other Ascended Masters. Join Us to help you understand what we have told you here, and what is to come.
We love you more than words can ever describe,
Your Mother/Father God
Via Kathryn May, July 24, 2013 at 8:30 PM EDT, Wednesdays
Kathryn E. May, PsyD
60 Lower 27 Knolls Road
High Falls, New York, NY 12440
(914) 466-4250
Copyright © White Cloud Inc
Green Valley AZ 85614
tisdag 23 juli 2013
Willst du mit mir gehen?
Willst du mit mir gehen?" Dieses von Daliah Lavi gesungene Lied geht mir nicht aus dem Sinn. Das ist eigentlich nicht verwunderlich. Es passt unheimlich gut in die heutige Zeit.
Wenn ich mich nun auf den rechten Pfad begebe, dann möchte ich natürlich, dass so viele Lebewesen wie möglich mit mir gehen.
Wenn ich lerne das Licht vom Schatten zu unterscheiden, sollen so viele wie möglich auf die gleiche Weise handeln.
Dass man sich mit Windrosen dreht, bedeutet wohl, dass man vollkommen glücklich ist, dass alles für einen möglich ist und dass alle unsere Wünsche in Erfüllung gehen.
Nun frage ich dich: „Willst du mit mir gehen? Möchtest du Licht und Schatten verstehen, dich mit Windrosen drehen? Willst du mit mir gehen?"
Lady Nada: Ihr Seid Die Rosen der Liebe
Lady Nada: „Ihr Seid Die Rosen der Liebe, die sich im ganzen Garten des Universums ausbreiten“
Lady NadaGuten Tag meine Lieben. Grüße vom himmlischen Reich und Alles-Das-Ist, die euch jetzt, nur durch eure Absicht, zur Verfügung stehen. Denn es wird verständlich für euch, dass alles auf einer tieferen Ebene innerhalb eurer vermischt wird und viel für euer höchstes Gut und das höchste Gut von allem geöffnet wird.
Ausdehnung, ihr Lieben ~ das ist der Name des Spiels. Ausdehnung eures Goldenen Christus-Selbst, euer aufgestiegenes Selbst, eure Verbindung mit den tieferen Teilen von euch, diese Verbindung mit eurem Höheren Selbst und höher. Ihr lernt zu leben und zu überleben und innerhalb eines viel helleren Ortes des Innewohnens zu sein, und dies ist der Punkt des Zentrums, aus dem ihr auftauchen und immer mehr verschmelzen werdet, seht, wie ihr euch von diesem Punkt hinaus ins Unendlich, in Alles Das Ist, verschieben könnt. Das ist euer rechtmäßiger Platz.
Von dort aus könnt ihr jetzt viel tiefere Reiche der Existenz erforschen. Denn euer Herz wird euch auf dem Weg führen. Es ist nur in eurem Herzen, in dem ihr jetzt bleibt, und es öffnet den Weg für euch, um jetzt in vielen Ebenen des Seins zu leben, ohne Grenzen, ohne Urteil, ohne Begrenzung. Es ist die Freiheit.
Und für euch, ihr Lieben, ist es kein neuer Ort des Seins. Ihr seid es, die sich auf so vielen Ebenen ihrem Christus-Selbst übergeben, eurem aufgestiegenen Selbst, und die Reiche berühren, von denen ihr einmal glaubtet getrennt zu sein, die aber immer da waren und auf euch warteten.
Und ich bitte euch, ihr Lieben, die Wege für euch zu beleuchten, euer Goldenes Licht zu erfahren, euer Liebes-Licht innerhalb eurer als euer natürliches Sein zu erleben. Trennt euch von diesem linearen Fokus. Fühlt jetzt den Abstand, wenn die alte Welt euch lockt ~ sie schwindet in Vergessenheit. Es löst sich zurück zur Quelle auf, um auf einem höheren Weg des Seins wiederverwertet zu werden. Ihr helft dadurch, indem ihr innerhalb der höheren dimensionalen Erfahrungen bleibt, die euch mehr denn je locken.
Jetzt ist eure Chance, euch in den kommenden Tagen mir eurem Christus-Selbst vertraut zu machen, euer aufgestiegenes Selbst wiederzuerkennen, es zu erforschen und euer niedrigeres Selbst mit den leichteren, liebevollen Energien eures Göttlichen Wesens zu verschmelzen.
Mit allen Absichten und Zwecken habt ihr dies oft besucht. Es mag sich manchmal seltsam angefühlt haben. Beginnt, es erneut als normal zu sehen. Bleibt länger innerhalb seiner. Ihr werdet euer Göttliches Christus-Selbst jetzt lieben, innerhalb seiner spielen. Erlaubt euch, euch in ihm zu erheben.
Wir heißen euch willkommen, ihr Lieben. Wir begrüßen euch und wir gratulieren euch. Kommt zurück zu eurem natürlich Weg des Seins, aus dem Dreck und Abfall der alten dreidimensionalen Erfahrungen, die ihr einmal für euer Wachstum entworfen habt. Erlaubt euch, dies vollkommen abzuwerfen, wie tote Blumenblätter von einer schönen Rose abfallen um das Zentrum, den Kern zu enthüllen, das Potential für mehr Wachstum einer noch perfekteren Rose in voller Blüte und Glorie.
Ihr seid die Rosen der Liebe, meine Lieben, di sich durch den Garten der Universen ausbreiten, in alle Schattierungen von rosafarben und Magentarot leuchtend und die Liebe in den Universen mit so viel Potential erdend, , um immer in tieferer und größerer Liebe zu erblühen, während ihr euch in euren Frequenzen und Dimensionen höher erhebt.
Ich halte euch an meinem Herzen und ich grüße euch aus meinem Herzen. Ich verschmelze mit eurer Liebe, um es zu erhöhen, während ihr in der ganzen Zeit eure Liebe mit anderen teilt und verschmelzt.
Ich bin Lady Nada und ich verbeuge mich vor Eurer Göttlichkeit.
Lady Nada durch Fran Zepeda, 21.07.2013,
Übersetzung: SHANA,
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