Ashtar Excerpt - Jan 8, 2013

NESARA First, Then Humanitarian Programs
"Good Evening, Beloved Golden Age Family! We are absolutely ecstatic to be here in this New Year, New Age, 4D and higher realm that Planet Earth has ascended to. Ascension is the primary mission of the Ashtar Command."Now, we have a lot in store for you, a lot of changes, yes! All of the changes which have to do with the improvements in your financial system, to make it as good as gold, are coming, and they are coming forth very rapidly, as these Beloved News Masters have stated.*
"St. Germain is in charge - he has been since the beginning!!!Regardless of what reports might have been coming your way, you can count on the Count, because he’s got everything flowing in exactly the right ways, in exactly the right moments. He is taking care of financial business, yours and everyone’s, in ways that are higher dimensional, as is only appropriate. Now, yes there are still some clones and holograms and 3D programs and so on and so on - they are echoes, they are done creating any kind of additions to the 3D financial structures which have enslaved the world, up to now.
"He has the capability to see the entire elephant all at once. You will recall that quite often we have used the elephant as an example of such an enormous being, and with so many areas or parts, that it is difficult to see the whole elephant at once. But trust me, St. Germain has that capability, as do I, and all of us who are still residing in slightly Higher realms than in those which you have come to. It’s all happening, and it will be in the sequential flow that St. Germain has set up and is carrying through. Certain things have to happen in order.
"Now, we want to clarify one thing before we move on. You have the Trust, the World Trust that St.Germain has set up in his bank, we will call it the 'World Trust,' although that name can be used for the other part that we’re going to discuss very briefly. But when we say the World Trust we say that there is money there for all the World, everyone in the world – every man, woman, and child – and it’s lots of money! Everybody is going to receive from his bank, and it’s all supported by gold and other precious metals.
"Don’t worry, nobody is going to arrive on your doorstep with what you call a block, or a brick, of gold – yes, there will be electronic accounting for everyone and ways to access your funds that will not require you to carry a bag of gold coins or, for instance, a brick or block, or whatever, if you are going to buy a large item. There will be currency which is at par to all other currency, because gold is going to be at par worldwide, and so will all the other precious metals.
"Don’t panic about that, all we are saying is that the commodities market is not going to exist the way it does now. Do not feel that you have to run out and buy some gold right now. You are going to get plenty of gold, or we should say, its High Dimensional representation. Before that happens, there will be the funding of the humanitarian trusts, sometimes also called the World Trust. They are Humanitarian Trusts in the sense that there are certain people who had an opportunity, and those who seized the opportunity, or shall we say, acted upon it – jumped in, because it resonated with them, and they will be receiving special funds, rather large amounts, to fund Humanitarian projects.
"Now, that is a word that - again they could say, 'World Projects,' or 'World Improvement Projects,' or 'World Healing Projects,' but 'Humanitarian' is the word. It’s not just for the human kingdom, it’s for everyone; it’s to clean up the air, the water, the soil, it’s to make everybody from Mother Gaia’s Kingdoms enjoy absolute health, and high-vibrational Joy! This is the mission of those who are in these programs, and yes they will share with humans, and they will fund projects, huge projects, to bring about these changes, partnering with us and our technologies.
"We’re already here, folks. And it may be that you are wondering, 'Well, where is all this new technology? How come I still have this arthritis in my knees?' Or whatever it is, because, yes, it’s going to come about exponentially fast, but you have to understand that these programs, these technologies have been blocked for so long, and we have to be absolutely certain that we can bring them forth without any interference or blockages from that moment on. So, we’re bringing forth a lot of it very quietly, and there are people 'in the know' in every aspect of life that you can think of.
"That which you see in the mainstream news media, a lot of it, is just hyper-fear. It is to get you thinking there’s no hope; it’s to get you thinking the best you can do is cut, burn and poison, or whatever it is. Now, we are not diminishing the importance of the medical or any other profession. We are simply saying that, you have moved up into a Higher Dimensional lifestyle called the Golden Age – 4D, yes! We’re not talking about the astral plane, you’ve gone beyond that! Well, there are some people that want to hit you in the face with the astral plane every time you turn around - we’re talking about fear messages again – ignore them! They do not stick unless you really let them.
"We’re up in a Higher level where integrity and honor is coming and taking place of, 'I mustn’t tell of what I know because they’ll kill me or my family, or something horrible will happen.' Integrity and Truth are coming forth more and more and more! You already know a lot of it, and there’s a lot more to come. So, yes, be in the moment, but when you think about what is happening in the world, see that we are in an Age now where we can partner with you even more to do all of these monumental projects that we have! Mother Gaia is here too, consciously in 4D - well, there’s part of her in 5D and above too, just like yourselves!
"Focus on being what you might call a 'Golden Ager' – a being of the Golden Age. Radiate yourselves with LoveLight. The most powerful energy in the Universe is Love! . Bring that energy in and let that energy come in to your Hearts, where you will find all the guidance that you could possibly use. Now, it’s a lot of fun to get together with you, and we are available for consultation anytime, just ask us to join you in that Heart space. And you can ask your Guides, your Angels, any of these Ascended Masters, a whole council, the whole One We All Are - there is no limit to who you can call upon to be, what we call, in Communion with!!! That is the highest form of connection and communication.
"We will be putting out information that you can read, and you can go to Tara and Rama’s website* and read the information there, and there are others who are messengers who are getting the Truth! Because they are actually able to filter out that which is not Truth, and it is our fondest advice to you, because we love you so much, and we feel as though you have quite a bit to do, so we are advising you not to spin your wheels on things that don’t sound or feel truthful, things that don’t resonate, and that have any fear contained within them.
"That’s pretty broad, but that’s why we say to check in with your Hearts, let that LoveLight pour in - put it in the Light, and see how it holds up, and if it doesn’t quite look high vibe, full of the energies of Love, you might just want to let it go. Now, we are going to tell you something else, and that is that being a Golden Ager means that you have access to a whole goodie bag of gifts, talents, wisdom, and dreams come true. So stop thinking, 'Oh, I’m just dreaming, that will never happen,' or any of that stuff -you’ve got to reinforce your Mastery!!!
"You’ve got to say, 'I Am Divine, and I call forth (whatever it is), and so it is!!!' You don’t have to be specific. Don’t get caught up in expectations. We’re telling you the basic steps that St.Germain has put in place that are on the timeline for receiving your Abundance. Oh and there’s one other thing - I am so excited to be here! But I need to also mention NESARA. NESARA will be announced. The Humanitarian Trust will be funded within a very short time of NESARA’s announcement. The disbursements from St.Germain’s bank to every man, woman and child will not, as it is seen in this moment, happen as fast as the Humanitarian fundings, but they will happen!
"When you start dreaming about your dream house, or having that vacation because you’ve been working 24/7 all these years, or whatever it is, call it forth! Do not put it in the realm of, 'Oh, that’ll never happen,' or, 'I wish, I hope, I hope…' Call it forth. Your greatest gift of being a Golden Ager is your new and much more powerful abilities to call forth and create whatever it is that you want. There is nothing that is too outrageous, too impossible or too difficult. The only thing is that it needs to be in the Love frequencies of 4D and higher.
"In other words - and you all know this anyway but we shall use an example - do not take this seriously, this is simply an example. It is not to wish any ill-fortune or harm, or whatever, to your brothers and sisters, it is to shower them with Love, Abundance and all that it is that you desire for yourself, because everybody is going to get it, and you might as well be right there at the front of the line, yes? There are some people who are not at the front of this line, and that is simply because they are in resistance. So the more you put out the Love vibes, the faster this happens for everybody, and the World as a whole can be one hundred percent into the High realms of 4D and Higher!
"If you were thinking that the Ashtar On The Road Mission is over simply because 12-21 has happened, and the event happened, and the alignment happened - that is not the case! We still have a lot to do!!! We have mentioned before that we have many divisions. There are the Healing Divisions, the Earth Clean-up Divisions, the Spiritual Ambassador Divisions, the Abundance for All Division - that of course is St.Germain's - and so on. So there is not any aspect of your life that we cannot help and assist you with. But the empowerment for it - shall we say, the engine for the rocket - that’s you, Beloved Ones, that’s you! Call it forth, because we’re right here with you!!!
"Part of what happened on the 12-21 is that by moving up into a Higher Dimensional space - remember that veil? It's not there now, unless you want to keep it there. That’s what we’re saying, we’re closer to you since the beginning!!! Do not let the low-vibrational, low-frequency, 3D programming have any say whatsoever in your beings. Bring your ego up into your Heart -tell it to take a break!
"Your ego has ascended, but it’s still trying to run those 3D programs, so you’ve got to maybe talk to it a little bit, you’ve got to say, 'Look ego, we’re in a new place now, you’ve got some changing to do. Mainly, just take a break. I’m in charge. You’re not fired, I’m not going to cast you overboard or anything like that, you’re still with me and I love you very much, but you’ve got to get in the back seat because I’m in the driver’s seat now!'
"Alright, that’s what being a Higher Dimensional Being is about! And when we say these changes are taking place behind the scenes – well, you just heard some of them – so when you get an email or a telephone call perhaps from a friend asking if you’ve seen the latest on the internet, remember to check it out for yourselves and be discerning, and remember the order: NESARA first, then the Humanitarian Programs, of which there are many, many, many, and many, many dollars will be coming forth to jump start these projects of every kind. You will have opportunities to participate in them in your community or even Worldwide if you want!
"There is a project that The Voice has just found out about that was created by the author of the Harry Potter books, and she has written a book especially to benefit this project, and it is to provide housing for children who have what are called disabilities and no place to go and no place where they can get the kind of special attention that they need. This project is called Lumos, which means light! Remember in Harry Potter when the students were taught how to light their wands? The magic word was 'Lumos.' Alright, that’s one project in this World that will be expanded because the Hearts are ready and the children are ready to receive and to step up and take their place as leaders!
"You think a child who is autistic is some kind of a low vibrational being, tuned in only to 3D? Not so! Autistic children are tuned in, and their observations and their wisdoms are coming forth more and more! That is just one example. So you can make lists of all of the different kinds of help, and you can empower these changes yourselves, Beloved Ones.
"Make a list of one or more places in the World that need changing, from your perspective, and put some of your energy, put your Hearts into that, because that, Beloved Ones, is the continuing, ongoing Mission of Ashtar On The Road, and we are all dedicated and committed to being here in service with you, and that is what, if you want to call it future, that is what the future is!!! But it’s all done on the timelines of the Golden Age!
"So we have a lot to look forward to in the sense of calling it forth. Don’t wait for the future to come to you. Bring yourselves to the future by calling forth, with all of your loving energies, all of the changes which are the lifestyle of 4D and higher! And that, Beloved Ones, is a monumental Mission, but we have to tell you that, together, it’s done!!!
"Thank you all for being with us! We invite you to come with us - stay tuned for bulletins and updates - and we are joyfully awaiting the coming onto the stage, so to speak, of Sekhmet, to take us further and higher. And so it is! Salut!"
*Tara and Rama
Transcribed by Brian Coe
Given through Susan Leland, January 8, 2013. © Ashtar On The Road Publications 2004-2013.All rights reserved; however, this is a gift to all of us and it may be distributed freely on condition that all accreditation is acknowledged and that no part is altered or deleted.
© Ashtar on the Road Publications 2004-2013. All rights reserved.
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