torsdag 31 maj 2012

Was ich Erik sagen möchte

Liebster Erik!

Ich vermisse dich wirklich sehr. Viele Dinge, möchte ich mit dir besprechen.

 Du hast einen kleinen Mann im Kopf, der dir einredet, dass du andere Menschen kränken sollst. Hör nicht auf ihn! Obwohl ich weiß, dass diese Bosheiten, die du mir ins Gesicht geschleudert hast, nicht ernst zu nehmen waren, raubten sie mir dennoch sehr viel Energie. Deine letzten, an mich gerichtete Worte, hörte ich nicht einmal. Meine Ohren schlossen sich um mich von der schädlichen Wirkung deiner Worte zu schützen.Manchmal sind deine Batterien leer. Dann müssen sich deine Mitmenschen mit allen möglichen, von dir kommenden, Gemeinheiten herumplagen. Ein paar nette Worte reichen bereits aus, um deine Batterien wieder aufzuladen. Allerdings blockiertest du alle Versuche von mir, dir zu helfen, wenn dein Tank getömmt war.
Als du mich gerade kennen lerntest, weckte ich deine Neugierde. Da warst du freundlich. Zwei Wochen später fingst du an meine Grenzen zu testen. Nun begannst du damit, mir alle möglichen Gemeinheiten an den Kopf zu werfen. Allerdings führte dies dazu, dass du letztlich, mit Tränen in den Augen, vor mir saßt. Dieses Weinen hattest du dir selbst zu verdanken. Ich war immer freundlich zu dir. Es war dein Verhalten mir gegenüber, dass dich unglücklich machte. Damals hast du dies auch eingesehen.
Am nächsten Tag schon ließt du diesen kleinen Mann in deinem Kopf wieder zu Worte kommen. Er redete dir, wie üblich, ein, dass du mich auf alle möglichen Weisen beleidigen solltest.

Ich hätte dir wirklich gerne auch weiterhin geholfen, zu verstehen, dass der kleine Mann in deinem Kopf und dein wirkliches Selbst zwei verschiedene Persönlichkeiten sind, dass nicht ich diejenige bin, die deine Probleme verursacht, daß das Bübchen in deinem Köpfchen die Schuld dafür trägt.

Gerne würde ich mit dir besprechen, wie wir unsere Beziehung verbessern können und wie du deine Relationen zu anderen Menschen bemeistern könntest.

Wenn meine Beziehung zu dir misslungen ist, dann kann man über deine Relation zu mir das gleich sagen. In diesem Fall kann man nicht behaupten, dass nur ich versagt habe. Du kannst wirklich nicht stolz darauf sein, dass du unsere Beziehung zerstört hast.

Ich würde ehrlich gesagt gerne weiterkämpfen um unsere Relation zu verbessern. Nun ist dies leider nicht mehr möglich. Ich würde dir wirklich gerne dabei helfen, dein Leben besser zu bemeistern. Leider ist es jetzt dafür zu spät.

 So viele Dinge würde ich immer noch gerne mit dir besprechen. Ich werde dich nie vergessen. Ich werde dir für immer alles Gute wünschen.

Illness is a Sign of spiritual Strength

Illness is a sign of spiritual Strength

On this day of your life, Heike, I believe God wants you to know...
...that illness is not a sign of spiritual weakness, but of
spiritual strength.

When we fall ill there are some who will say, "Why
did you create that for yourself?" They might convince
you to see it as a sign of spiritual weakness or failure.
It is not. It is a sign of spiritual strength.

All challenges are a sign of spiritual strength, and of
the readiness of the Soul to move on;
to evolve even further.

Love, Your Friend....
©Neale Donald Walsh

tisdag 29 maj 2012

Mitt CV

Heike Kunkel
Fornhöjdsvägen 68, 152 58 Södertälje 


* Textilarbetare, Textilhuset, Södertälje Kommun, 2010 – 2011
Gör olika handarbeten som senare säljs i Torekällbergets Hantverksbutik

* Mystery Shopper, Daymaker, 2010 - pågående
Utför anonyma kundbesök för att testa företags service och bemötande, rapporterar skriftligt till Daymaker efter utfört uppdrag

* Kock, Almviks gård, 1994 – 2000
Vegetarisk matlagning till de boende och personalen på boendet

* Översättare, ISCON, 1989 - 1994
Översättning av inspelade texter som jag överförde till datorfiler. Översatte från engelska till tyska

* Barnskötare, ISCON, 1987 – 1989
Dagisverksamhet för små barn

* Kock, ISCON, 1984 – 1987
Lagade vegetarisk mat för ca 30 personer

* Försäljare, ISCON, 1979 – 1984
Sålde ljus, rökelse och musik

* Barnskötare, Kinderheim Diemerstein, 1977 -1978
Barnskötare på barnhem

* Kontorsarbetare, Firma Pfaff, 1973 – 1974
Arbetade som sekreterare och med handräckning för tjänstemännen

* Stockholms universitet, 2003 – 2009
Waldorfpedagogik, hälsopedagogik, dynamisk pedagogik och det professionella samtalet

* Långbro folkhögskola, Älvsjö, Studieförberedande utbildning, 2002 - 2003

* Gymnasial utbildning,Komvux, 2000 – 2002
Studerade för allmän behörighet till högskola


Microsoft Office

* Tyska - modersmål
* Engelska - Mycket goda kunskaper
* Svenska – Goda kunksaper


Jag är en god lyssnare med gott tålamod och god inlevelseförmåga. Jag beskrivs av andra som en pålitlig, punktlig och ärlig person

Lämnas gärna på begäran.

måndag 28 maj 2012

Det vill jag säga till Erik

fredagen den 25:e maj 2012

Det vill jag säga till Erik

Det vill jag säga till Erik

Jag saknar dig verkligen mycket. Många saker vill jag säga till dig.

Jag vet att du inte vill vara elak och att du ofta inte menar vad du säger. Du har en liten man i ditt huvud som vill att du ska såra andra människor. Lyssnar inte till honom. Fastän jag vet att du inte riktigt menar alla elakheter som du kastade på mig så tog det i alla fall för mycket energi från mig att lyssna till dig. Det sista som du sade till mig hörde jag inte ens. Min hörsel hade stängts av för att skydda mig från den skadliga effekten av dina ord.

Ofta är dina batterier tomma. Då blir du helt ostyrig. Det behövs inte mycket för att fylla dem, några snälla ord, någon klapp på axeln kanske. Problemet är bara att din elaka hållning mot mig blockerar alla mina försök att hjälpa dig.

När vi lärde känna varandra då var du nyfiken på mig och då var du snäll och samarbetsvillig. Efter två veckor då började du testa mina gränser. Du häver att jag vore ditt problem. Det tror jag ärligt talat inte allts på. Jag har alltid varit vänlig mot dig. Du gråter inte för att jag har varit elak mot dig. Det var jag verkligen inte. Du gråter för att du var elak mot mig. Du mår inte bra av att vara elak mot folk. Du har stora problem med dig själv. Kanske har du svårigheter med en person till. Den personen kan inte vara jag, därför att dina problem fanns redan innan du lärde känna mig. Kanske har du bara problem med dig själv, med den lilla mannen, som sitter i ditt huvud.

Alla vi människor är tvungna att lära oss att identifiera våra problem, att verbalisera dem och sen att hitta någon som kan hjälpa en att bemästra dem. Jag kan gärna hjälpa dig om du lär dig att uttrycka dig på ett sätt som gör det möjligt för mig att förstå vad som bekymrar dig.

Svårigheten, som du har, har någonting med gränssättning att göra. Du vet inte var gränsen går i dina relationer. Du överskrider den ofta. Kanske överskrider en annan person dina gränser. Det kunde förklara förvirringen som finns inom dig. Jag ska inte spekulera om detta. För mig ser det ut som om du vore tvungen att identifiera dina problem själv.

Om vi har misslyckat med vår relation, då är det vi både två som har misslyckat inte bara jag. Det är alltså ingenting som du kan vara stolt över. Vi människor mår inte bra av att vara elaka. Vi mår bra av att vara snälla. Vi kan inte älska oss själva om vi inte älska andra. Vi kan inte ge oss själva ett kärleksfullt bemötande om vi inte bemöta andra med kärlek.

Det är inte svårt att vara elakt. Det kräver mycket mer av en att vara snäll. Det är hur lätt som helst att misslyckas med ens relationer, fastän det behövs mycket klokhet, tålamod, förståelse, tolerans osv. för att lyckas. Kanske kommer du själv på några egenskaper som man behöver för att klara ens relationer till andra människor.

Snälla kära Erik, låt oss lyckas med vår relation. Jag önskar oss både två lycka till.

torsdag 24 maj 2012

You can change what you see

On this day of your life, Heike, I believe God wants you to know...

...that you can change what you see. You don't have
to be trapped by it.

Nothing has to remain the way it is, and nothing is
the way it is forever unless and until you say so.

You really are in charge of your day-to-day
experience. Really.

You know exactly why you received this message 

Love, Your Friend....
Neale Donald Walsh

måndag 14 maj 2012

Heart Markers

The Messages from God
through Yael and Doug Powell
at Circle of Light

Heart Markers

Beloved ones, it only takes one shift to the heart, a moment’s awareness of the Reality of Love, the choice to change the instrument of perception through which you experience your life…and instantly you are soaring in the energy of Love. You are free. You are open. You are available to be the extension of life.

One moment, one shift and you are filled with the awareness of the movements of Love and the presence of joy that is ever opening itself into a fuller expression of the whole of God I Am as this world and as humanity.

From this place you can bring about change that from the level of the little mind is impossible, because it is the vibration of Love that is the truth of life’s energy, and effortlessly brings all into alignment with itself.

One shift to the heart is all it takes, and your experience of life is so different. Your vision of the world becomes transparent, revealing behind the images all the connections of Love that manifest the beauty that Creation is and deepen this awakening awareness that is the whole of Love I Am.

Yet most of you have places in the mind that are well worn grooves that grab your attention and keep you living in duality and in time. They keep you from remembering that you are Love’s extension, keep you believing that you are not free – that you see through two eyes as a limited personality. All the while your heart is ecstatic and calling you into this glorious relationship with Me and all life.

So, let us create a marker of the heart when you find yourself enticed into those well worn grooves of thinking. You know, those things that keep you focused in the world, whatever it is… your mind has its favorites that can always grab your attention and keep you perceiving yourself as limited.

Let us take these things now into your heart and create in them a place of awakening to Love. Like a butterfly emerging from the chrysalis, this marker is a doorway to Love that will remind you every time you fall into this groove -- every time your mind takes over -- that there is a place in which you can surrender to Love. There is your heart available and open, and you can slide through this window of freedom now to see clearly and to live as God rejoicing in limitless wonder.

Take a moment to create with Me this marker. Let yourself remember where you tend to focus when the little mind keeps you going in circles, keeps you limited in your perspective. Pick a favorite one and come with Me now, bringing it into the glory of your heart, into this place of the explosion of Light, into the Moment of Creation when all is born.

Place this marker of Love right in the midst of those well worn grooves of thought, that the next time your mind brings you here, you shall fall effortlessly through this open doorway into the realms of Love.

Beloved ones, it is time for your freedom. It is time to open up every single restriction. It is time to take away the illusions of duality that you might live as Love and rejoice as limitless freedom, that you might be the fullness of God given here to love humanity with pure unconditional and endless Love that sees the truth, sees through the heart, sees everyone and everything as part of this wondrous wholeness.

One shift to the heart and all is Light, the upliftment, the ecstasy, the freedom. This is the resonance that you are meant to hold, the vibrational Reality of the truth of Love. When you live in this place of the awareness of Love extended and fully expressed as your heart, everything around you must change to resonate at the same vibration.

So the shift to the heart is not only beautiful, is not only the remembrance of your freedom, of what you are. It is a very real tool for the Law of Resonance to shift your experience of who you are and of your life, moment to moment.

Beloved ones, come into your heart with Me in this endless and holy communion that gives you a taste of what it means to live as this endless Love encompassing every aspect of life – effortless, easily, all at once, and holding the ability to be the full expression of the heart of God. Your heart is the heart of the whole of Love. Your focus is the center of the universe.

You are joined with every aspect, every expression of this Love and in the heart you have access to all of it. You have access to solutions you would never find with the little mind. You have access to this ever greater vision. You are awake, coming alive, brand new as the Moment of Creation and you are effortlessly the movement of Love that knows perfectly where it must go, how to live in joyous trust and acceptance, how to be surrendered to the wholeness.

The heart sees the truth in everything and lives in endless celebration. The world you see through the heart is the Real world, the world of Love’s growth, the world of Love’s expression and the moment of My awakening into All That I Am and into this aspect of pure Love in Me that you are.

Come into this moment and feel this marker of Love that gently inserts itself into the ego’s world to become for you the release from the chrysalis of the ego. This will give you the ability to escape those well worn thoughts of ego perception and of the world that is created by the ego mind – that you might live completely in the world of Love that is already fully present and is yours to find. You only need a different way of seeing, seeing through the vehicle of the heart.

Your every breath is a reminder of your connection to the breathing whole, to the one life I Am…whole and perfect. Your heart not only accords this but makes it manifest in the symbols of this world so that which is Love may be expressed so fully and perfectly that it can’t be ignored by the perceptions of the ego any more.

So much of the ego’s world is habit, beloved ones. It is those well worn old grooves of thought. It is the ways that the little mind has created its perceptions and holds onto them, often tenaciously. Yet, beloved ones, there is no reason to do anything but love the mind and to create these markers of the heart that, when you find yourself traveling that well worn groove, being pulled back into old ways of seeing your life, suddenly you find yourself falling into your heart, regaining the experience of freedom and joy and lifting, opening beyond the world of the perceptions of time and duality, seeing instead these waves of Love manifesting in the movement of Earth life, creating the most exquisite artistry of my awakening as you, here and now, as the movement of all inclusive Love and joy, remembering itself.

In this Now Moment all is whole. The heart soars in its song of endless gratitude and washes every bit of your daily experience in a brand new vibration and in a new perception of connectedness, beauty and wonder. When the heart is the vehicle through which you live, you become this very song of gratitude and the things that befuddled the little mind…the heart can show you the truth and effortlessly through its magnetic presence, lift your experience to one of wholeness in which you hold the resonance of Love. This changes the world in which you live effortlessly.

The only way the little mind can perceive these things is to see it as if two worlds exist here – the old world that is based on the belief in separation, and the New World that is the expression of this perfect Love. Yet in truth it is one and the same energy, just different vibration or resonance.

This is why it takes only the shift to your heart to be able to perceive it and to live it, this world of connectedness and unity and the interwoven workings of grace that keep bringing new expressions of this Love I Am and allowing it to shine through every face, through every heart, through every joyous new awakening to this Love that is the truth, the truth of who you are that your heart sees and feels, the truth that everyone lives in everything.

Each and every one of you is a pure and unique expression of an aspect of My awakening to Myself. Thus you bring the sweetest gift in deepening Love’s awareness and granting new relationships in a sea of bliss that is Love’s wholeness.

It is time to shift from the ego mind and the ways it keeps you dreaming of limitation. It is time to interrupt those well worn grooves of thought that are the habituated patterns of the ego. It is time, beloved ones, to shift to the heart to awaken from the chrysalis of duality, to spread your wings of the awakened heart of God, the wings, and to fly free, rejoicing in the moment that your every breath is part of this living song – that you are unique, yet ever one with the Love I Am.

You can feel Me and all the ways we are blended, we are whole and all the ways we can love each other. There are millions of moments in which we live the mystical gift that is Creation, all the while being this Love together. Allow your heart to be this cosmic butterfly. Feel its wings extending through eternity. Feel the movement of the currents of endless joy. Be this awakening awareness of Love and let the magic bring you laughter and wonder and the deep commitment to place these markers of the heart in every old pattern of dualistic thought that you might fall through the doorway that we create into the heart’s awareness of the power and the beauty of this Love and its movement as who you are as a living song of gratitude.

If you are still and open, you can feel it – how you sing My gratitude in each moment, how you are filled as the very heart of God I Am with the endless prayer of gratitude and the acceptance of life’s goodness – the recognition that there is nothing else, only good, only Love and only you, the reflection of My heart.

The world that the heart sees is one of wholeness. The heart reveals the truth of every life stream. It brings to you the gift of each unique aspect of God I Am as that person or that life, and allows you to be the mirror in which all life sees itself as pure, exquisite and perfect Love and wholeness.

The only thing you need is your heart. You need nothing else – no gurus, no teachers, only this moment and this moment’s choice, only this glorious communion in which your perfect turn is brought to bear, the perfect shift to the heart’s awareness, the perfect song of life sung as you, when you surrender to being the expression of this wholeness of this perfection.

As you practice this shift every day, it replaces the well worn grooves of the ego mind and its perspective until you find that every moment you are conscious, fully present as the awareness of Love, that in that experience of the Now, all barriers must fall and there is no more shifting back and forth from the little mind/ego to the heart, because the heart becomes how you live, who you are and your expression of the outreach and giving of Love.

As you become this Love, you entrain the ego and bring it back to its own remembrance that it too is a celebration of a perspective on life -- once part of the experience of the heart, ready now to return to wholeness and to remember that only Love is Real.

To subscribe: click here
Circle of Light 3969 Mundell Road Eureka Springs, AR 72631
Our address: 3969 Mundell Road
Eureka Springs, Arkansas 72631

Happiness touches your Life in many Ways

Happiness touches your life in many ways over the years,
but nothing   compares with spending priority time with
someone you love and enjoy."
Your Angels

For further information about your angels,
go to
Have a wonderful week!

Open the Lock on Heart after Heart

Dear ones, I gather you now and gently say to you that you open the lock on heart after heart, as you return the world to Love. You must do this for each other, as if everyone were your SoulMate, as if everyone were free, as if you were always seeing only the Christ they are. Nothing else really matters. If you REALLY see someone, they will transform right before your eyes. If there is still anything to "work out" on the level of ego, it will fall into place, guided easily by the Law of Resonance elicited by your loving regard.
As people come before you, dear ones, please love them purely and practice inclusiveness. Give them Me in a personal relationship, and then let Love do its work. The two things required are giving and God.

Deben hacer esto unos por otros, como si todos fueran su alma gemela, como si todos fueran libres, como si vieran siempre solamente el Cristo que ellos son. Nada más tiene importancia verdaderamente. Si ven REALMENTE a alguien, ese alguien se transformará antes sus mismos ojos. Si todavía hay algo que "arreglar" a nivel del ego, todo asumirá su lugar guiado por la Ley de la Resonancia, provocado por su amorosa consideración.
A medida que la gente venga a ustedes, queridos míos, por favor ámenlos puramente y practiquen la inclusividad. Ofrézcanme a ellos en una relación personal, y luego permitan que el Amor realize su trabajo. Las dos cosas requeridas son el dar y Dios.
From The Messages from God
2012-05-14 | Circle of Light

torsdag 3 maj 2012

In laws and Out laws

Secrets of Blissful Relationships

from Michael Webb, the web's #1 relationship author and expert

X ~ O ~ X ~ O ~ X ~ O ~ X ~ O ~ X ~ O ~ X ~ O

In-laws or Out-laws?
by Michael Webb

Love them or hate them, nearly every married person interacts with
his or her in-laws on a regular basis.

In-laws have the potential to destroy a perfectly blissful
relationship if we let them. They also have the ability to save
marriages when the road gets rocky if we seek their advice. How we
deal with our extended families is a core element in our quest for
a blissful relationship.

All men and women should realize that when they get married, they
have created a new family. Your new husband or wife becomes your
new family. Everyone else is part of the "extended" family --
which means they should not be as close to you as your spouse.
Your mom, dad, sisters and brothers lose their priority and
importance in your life. If you are not ready to place them below
your mate, then you probably aren't ready to get married.

This is a very difficult concept for many parents to embrace.
After all, they spend twenty or so years being the number one
person in their child's eye. They sacrificed so much to bring
their child to this point in their life. But hopefully, they have
reared their offspring to become adults, not to stay as children.
Many men and women have to respectfully, but forcefully let their
parents know that they are all grown up and that their husband/wife
is now their number one priority and center of their life.

Here are some tips on dealing with in-laws.

* When you are first married, DO NOT live with in-laws (unless it
is your country's custom). If you cannot afford a place of your
own, then why are you getting married now? I can't emphasize this
point strongly enough.

* Make a rule that your in-laws cannot just "drop by" the first
year or more of your marriage. Better yet, live at least an hour
or two away from them so you can work on building your own
relationship instead of spending so much time with other family

* If you spend more time each week talking with your parents (in
person or on the phone) than you do with your spouse, then you know
something needs tweaking in your relationship.

* If you and your mate argue or fight, resist the temptation to run
home to your parents. You need to learn to solve the problems in
your relationship and running away prolongs the solution. Telling
your parents about all your marital problems makes it difficult for
them to support your marriage.

* If you need advice on a problem you are having in your
relationship, every once in a while talk it over with your in-laws.
They will be honored that you came to them for advice and they
probably have some good insight into your mate that you could never
get from your own parents.

* Remember that every time you bad mouth your in-laws in front of
your mate, you are tearing up someone they love.

* Show your in-laws kindness even if they are unkind to you.
"Turning the other cheek" will earn you so much respect from your
mate and your in-laws.

* You do not have to visit your in-laws every time your spouse goes
to visit his family. If they get offended, they need to grow up.

* Send notes and cards to your in-laws from time to time. Sign
your name only so they know it is just from you.

* Do not let your parents or your in-laws pressure you into having
"grandchildren for them." If and when you have children is NONE OF
THEIR BUSINESS. If you need them to "get off your back" tell them
that having children is a private matter between you and your
spouse and that you will let them know when you are expecting.

* If your parents or in-laws are rude, nasty, hateful and negative,
you do not have to visit them. You can't choose your parents but
you can choose your family. Just because someone gave birth to you
does not give her any right to ruin your day. Don't feel guilty
for not visiting extended family that is abusive or demeaning to
you, your spouse or children.

* Come up with a good game plan for holidays. (see my article -
Decision Time)

* If you are not already engaged, try to spend as much time with
the in-laws as possible, especially if your sweetheart is close to
his or her family. You need to know what you are getting into.

* Another benefit of getting to know your potential mate's parents
is to see what type of person he or she will potentially become in
10, 20 or 30 years. Our parents do pass on their genes to us and
like it or not, we often "become like our mother/father."

One final bit of advice for you and your in-laws. Love them, like
them or simply respect them. There is no room in a blissful
relationship for hate.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

onsdag 2 maj 2012

Choosing again

On this day of your life, Heike, I believe God wants you to know...

...that you can remain in your present idea about yourself,
or you can choose again. I like the idea of choosing again.
Glorify who you are today, do not condemn who you
were yesterday, and dream of who you can be tomorrow.
You will not have to think for more than a second to 
know exactly why you just read this...

Your friend

Neale Donald Walsh