torsdag 22 december 2011

Vierzehn Jahre jung

Es ist wichtig zu wissen, dass sich in jedem Kind ein Teenager und ein Erwachsener befindet. In jedem Teenager wohnt ein Kind und ein Erwachsener. In jedem Erwachsenen gibt es ein Kind und einen Teenager. Dies ist gerade für Vierzehnjährige von groβer Bedeutung, weil man sich in diesem Alter manchmal wie ein Kind, manchmal wie ein Jugendlicher und manchmal wie ein Erwachsener benimmt. Dies ist normal und gesund. Man soll sich nicht dafür kritisieren lassen.
Mit vierzehn Jahren ist man gerade ein Teenager geworden. Die Jugendzeit wird zwar sehr romantisiert, ist jedoch meiner Meinung nach im allgemeinen die schwierigste Zeit im Leben. Deswegen benötigen Teenager einen festen Halt auf beiden Seiten. Sie müssen sich manchmal wie Kinder benehmen können und  sie werden auch oft und gerne erwachsen spielen.

Eigentlich fühlt man sich nun auch ganz schön erwachsen. Das ist nicht sehr verwunderlich. Man ist ja nun geschlechtsreif und oft auch schon ausgewachsen. Ein Tier gilt als volljährig, sobald es geschlechtsreif ist und nicht mehr weiterwächst. Es wäre auch sehr schön, wenn man in diesem Alter bereits erwachsen wäre und diese Sturm- und Drangzeit, in der man sich nun befindet, nicht erleben müsste.
Leider muss sich ein Mensch mit wesentlich gröβeren Verantwortungen herumplagen als ein Tier. Alleine schon Kinder groβzuziehen ist für einen Menschen unendlich viel schwieriger als für unsere vierbeinigen Freunde. Dies ist nur ein Beispiel dafür, dass es für einen Menschen wesentlich schwieriger ist erwachsen zu sein als für ein Tier.

Eigenlich sehe ich nichts falsches daran, wenn man sich in diesem Alter bereits erwachsen fühlt und versucht, sich wie ein Erwachsener zu benehmen. Man muss nur verstehen, dass das Erwachsensein etwas ist, dass eingeübt werden muss. Je länger diese Einübungszeit anhält, desto besser ist es. Vor allem muss man verstehen, dass man es nicht alleine schafft, sich wirklich erwachsen zu fühlen und sich auch so zu  verhalten. Dazu benötigt man die Hilfe von Menschen, die das Erwachsensein eingeübt haben. Das hört sich wahrscheinlich ziemlich lustig an, weil viele Leute denken, dass man automatisch in einem gewissen Alter erwachsen wird und dass es von diesem Zeitpunkt an kinderleicht ist, sich wie ein Volljähriger zu verhalten.
Gerade deswegen, weil man es für einfach hält erwachsen zu sein, fällt man leicht auf diese falschen Teorien herein, die besagen, dass man ausgereift ist, wenn man eine Menge Fehler in anderen sieht und keine in sich selbst und dass man raucht, Alkohol trinkt, andere Drogen zu sich nimmt und Sex hat. — Das Erwachsensein ist leider nicht so billig.

Wir leben eigentlich in einer Teenagergesellschaft. Da die Jugendjahre so sehr romantisiert werden, erhalten Menschen, die sich wie Teenager verhalten, oft eine groβe Menge Respekt, vor allem von den tatsächlichen Teenies. Sich wie ein Heranwachsender zu benehmen ist nichts, was gelernt werden muss. Dies geschieht automatisch. Unsere Geschlechtshormone und andere Kräfte werfen uns in einem gewissen Alter aus der Kindheit heraus. Wir fühlen uns nun bereits ganz schön erwachsen und möchten mehr und mehr als volljährig angesehen werden und uns auch so benehmen. Man wird automatisch zu jemandem, der sich nun ernsthaft auf die Rolle des Erwachsenen vorbereitet. Man wird jedoch leider nicht automatisch erwachsen.
Diejenigen, die sich als Teenager bereits erwachsen gefühlt haben, weil sie alle möglichen Drogen konsumiert haben, und dazu zählen auch Alkohol und Zigaretten, werden oft nie richtig erwachsen. Man wird leicht von diesen Rauschmitteln abhängig. Wenn man sich einbildet alles besser zu wissen als andere Menschen, erschwert man sich auch das Erwachsenwerden. Es ist schwer für mich zu verstehen, warum junge Menschen zwar nicht mehr von ihren Eltern abhängig sein möchten, jedoch stolz darauf sind, von irgendwelchen Drogen abhängig zu sein. Eltern sind wesentlich ungefährlicher als Drogen.

Es ist einfach sich wie ein Heranwachsender zu benehmen, erwachsen zu sein ist es jedoch nicht. Selbst viele sogenannte Erwachsene benehmen sich wie unreife Teenager. Demut ist eine wichtige Eigenschaft des wirklichen Erwachsenen. Wenn man diese Eigenschaft besitzt, weiss man, dass man nicht besser ist als andere Menschen und auch nicht intelligenter, dass man in alle Fallen, in die andere gesunken sind, auch selbst geraten kann und dass man ohne die Hilfe von wirklichen Erwachsenen nicht erwachsen werden oder sein kann. Einen weiteren Charakterzug, den man als reifer Mensch aufweisen sollte ist Dankbarkeit. Wir sollen unseren Mitmenschen dankbar dafür sein, dass sie uns halfen und helfen erwachsen zu werden. Wir dürfen sie weder beneiden noch zu viel von einer Person erwarten. Es ist nicht möglich eine Person zu finden, die allen unseren Bedürfnissen gerecht wird und alle unsere Erwartungen erfüllt. Wenn man von einem Menschen enttäuscht worden ist, muss man verstehen, dass es nicht die Aufgabe von dieser Person ist, die Erwartungen zu erfüllen, die man in sie gesetzt hat. Ein anderer Mensch wird diese Lücke füllen.

Meiner Meinung nach gibt es bezüglich des Erwachsenwerdens vier Meilensteine. Den ersten erreicht man mit vierzehn Jahren, den zweiten mit achtzehn, den dritten mit einundzanzig und den vierten und endgültigen mit fünfundzwanzig Jahren. Erst in diesem Alter ist man meiner Meinung nach wirklich erwachsen. Menschen, die diese Meilensteine erreicht haben, sind im allgemeinen sehr nachdenklich. Dies sist auch notwendig, weil man zu diesen Zeitpunkten ersthaft über die Gestaltung des eigenen Lebens nachdenken soll.

Ich bin mir sehr wohl darüber bewusst, dass alles was ich über Vierzehnjährige geschrieben habe, sehr häufig bereits auf jüngere Buben und Mädchen zutrifft. Heutzutage dauert die Jugendzeit unheimlich lange an. Viele Elvjährigen benehmen sich bereits wie Jugendliche und viele Personen, die bereits über dreiβig Jahre alt sind, benehmen sich immer noch wie Backfische. Dies geschieht wohl zum groβen Teil deswegen, weil die Jugendzeit so sehr romantisiert wird. Diese Entwicklungsphase wird deswegen so sehr wertgeschätzt, weil die Menschheit im allgemeinen nicht richtig erwachsen ist.

Ich sehe wirklich nur Nachteile darin, dass Kinder heutzutage frühzeitig in diese Sturmunddrangphase hineingeschleudert werden. Je früher man in diese Phase gerät, desto später gelangt man da wieder heraus. Dies ist wohl auch ein Grund dafür, warum die Jugendzeit heutzutage so lange anhält. Heranwachsende sind mehr  unglücklich, unausgeglichen, unvernünftig und können sich wesentlich schlechter konzentrieren als Kinder. Deswegen müssen sie mit Lernschwierigkeiten und Problemen in zwischenmenschlichen Beziehungen kämpfen. Oft gebrauchen sie auch bereits irgendwelche Drogen und verstricken sich in geschlechtliche Beziehungen.

Deswegen finde ich es ausgesprochen wichtig, dass Kinder under vierzehn Jahren tatsächlich immer noch Kinder sind. Offensichtlich ist es für Kinder unter vierzehn Jahren wesentlich schwieriger die Augaben und Probleme eines Vierzehnjährigen zu schultern als es für die Vierzehnjährigen selbst ist.

Leider bin ich nicht die einzige, die es nicht mag, dass viele Kinder heutzutage vorzeitig in die Pubertät geschleudert werden. Ich bin nur eine von denen, die sich den Kopf darüber zerbrochen haben, warum dies wohl geschieht. Rudolf Steiner sagte, dass Kinder die Neigung dazu haben, vorzeitig die Kindheit zu verlassen und dass man diese Neigung durch Bewegung bremsen soll. Ein Waldorflehrer berichtete, dass er seine Dreizehnjährigen Bewegungsübungen durchführen lässt, wenn sie zu sehr den Untericht stören. Dadurch werden sie wieder zu Kindern und er kann  seine Lektion fortsetzen. Seinen Erfahrungen nach funktioniert dies nicht mehr mit Vierzehnjährigen. Alle Menschen können jedoch nur richtig denken, wenn sie sich genügend bewegen. Das ist wissenschaftlich bewiesen.

Das Kinder zu viel Fleisch essen und dies heutzutage bereis kleinen Babies aufgetischt wird, ist meiner Meinung nach ein weiterer Grund, warum Kinder frühzeitig in die Pubertät gelangen. Selbst Sojaprodukte sind nicht ungefährlich. Da diese pflanzliches Östrogen erhalten sind sie gesundheitsfördernd für Damen in den Wechseljahren, jedoch nicht für Kinder. Ich habe einen Bericht über einen kleinen Jungen gelesen, dem zweimal die weiblichen Brüste wegoperiert wurden, bevor seine Eltern verstanden, dass diese die Folgen der Sojamilch waren, die diese ihm aufgetischt hatten.

Da die Jugendjahre heutzutage so verherrlicht werden und da die Werbung sich hauptsächlich an Jugendliche wendet, will man ja auch dazugehören und selbst ein Jugendlicher sein. Dies gilt nun für alle, auch für diejenigen, die für diese Entwicklungsphase entweder zu jung oder zu alt sind.

Ein weiterer Grund, warum Kinder frühzeitig aus der Kindheit herausrasen, ist wohl der, dass es in der Gesellschaft so viel Stress gibt. Man hat nicht mehr richtig Zeit zum Nachdenken. Diese besinnungslose Raserei führt dazu, dass man besinnungslos aus der Kindheit herausrast und zu einem besinnungslosen Jugendlichen wird, der besinnungslos alle möglichen Dummheiten begeht und sich besinnungslos in eine Abhängigkeit von allen möglichen Missbräuchen und einem Selbstschadebenehmen stürzt.

Sollen wir Erwachsenen uns nicht wieder neu besinnen und für unsere Kinder, die letzten lebenswichtigen Kindheitsjahre zurückerobern?

Dies war nun ein Versuch von mir, die Problematik eines Heranwachsenden zu verstehen. Ich wünsche dir nun viel Glück mit dem Erwachsenwerden und -sein und denke bitte immer daran, sich wie ein Volljähriger zu benehmen ist nicht einfach und nicht billig  - und du schaffst es nicht alleine. Du musst es nicht alleine schaffen — so kann man ja auch sagen.

Vierzehn Jahre jung

Ich habe einen Bloggartikel geschrieben, der sich speziel an Vierzehnjährige richtet:

tisdag 20 december 2011

måndag 12 december 2011

Vårt falska jag

Vårt falska ego har till uppgift att berätta för oss själva och alla andra att vi är överlägsna alla andra människor. Ju mer vi lyssnar på vårt falska ego desto mer gör vi oss löjliga och impopulära i andras ögon. Vårt verkliga jag strävar efter enhet. Vi känner oss förenade med allt och alla när vi lyssnar till vårt hjärta istället för vårt falska ego. Om vi identifierar oss med vårt äkta jag då förstår vi att allt som vi gör för andra gör vi mest och främst för oss själva. Om vi uppskattar andra, då uppskattar vi främst oss själva. Falska ödmjukhet och mindervärdighetskomplexer är också följden av att vi identifierar oss med vårt falska jag.

Vi måste lura vårt verkliga jag ur sitt gömställe genom att lyssna mer till vårt hjärta för att kunna leva i fred, glädje och harmoni med oss själva och alla andra.

En sorts kärlek

Mellan oss finns mycket kärlek

Jag har många fel, javisst,
men jag är ingen sadist.
Jag vill inte att du ska lida på grund av mig.

Mellan oss finns mycket kärlek.
Den är ingen romantisk kärlek.
Den är inte farlig.

Farlig är vår mentala spekulation
och vår bristande kommunikation.
Den är mycket farlig.

Låt oss ändra på det för att förskona
oss från att få problem också med andra personer.
Jag vill att du ska våga
att ställa mig någon fråga.

The Angels are here for you !

The Angels have many good things instore for you !


Ariel's message , channeled through Judy

The Angels are here for you !

Ariel , in particular has a lovely Christmas message for you :
I love you , I know its been challenging for many of you but please trust in me , trust in God.

Please know all that you go through will be needed to understand the joy that will be in store for you .

You need to walk down those roads of disappointment to understand what is really important , the value of your life, the value of you .
Know that the people who are in your life are there to show you what you need to learn so you can find peace.

I will be sending many of you new and interesting people and situations , could be a new job or a new realtionship . Try not to discard it because it is different . It may be exactly what you need to elevate you to where you need to be.

The children have a knowingness beyond what many of us see ,so value them, enecourage them , support them on their journey . They are our future .

Many of you are concerened with your future , I say , find the joy . When you are joyful , others want to be in your pressence , want you to work with you ,want you to work for them and want you on their team . Many of you are still in your head , go to the heart , use that beautiful place within you , you will be surprised who and what shows up .
We are all connected so its important you value each and every person and stand in your integrity . That means , say what mean , mean what you say and walk the walk .

When you are dishonest with yourself , it shows up in very area of your life , so be clear as to what has meaning for you and why it is you are doing something .

The path of integrity can be a bit lonely but you will meet those who are of like minds when you follow your heart .
I have seen Judy and many lightworkers move in that direction , it is possible and it is fufilling and joyful .

You are never alone , we are here for you . Feel it , know it, you are supported !

We love you . Keep your thoughts positive and only allow those in your life who match your beliefs , let all others fall away. This is your life , choose to live it in joy !

With Love, Ariel


Send a check for each event to where each event is being held:
Divine Inspirations Bookstore LLC
217 Franklin Avenue
Nutley, NJ 07110
973 562 5844 (voice)
Center for Relaxation & Healing
Michele B. Engoran, MA, Director
666 Plainsboro Road,
Bldg 600
Ste 635

Det här är Studieförbundet Vuxenskolan

I ett av världshistoriens mest berömda tal ställde sig Martin Luther King vid Lincolnmonumentet i Washington och sa "I have a dream..." Han hade en dröm om människors lika värde.

SV bildades några månader innan King sköts ihjäl, i en tid där frågan om människors lika värde brann. I SVs cirklar idag är just allas lika värde fortfarande en av de viktigaste grundstenarna.

SV finns alltid i närheten.

Allow your Heart to show you your Life

As you open your heart, allow it to show you your life and your world. You will discover that the weavings of Love are the foundation of everything that you have believed, even your belief in darkness, because you are the hearts of your Creator, you are My heart, so beautiful and so potent. You can stay a while in any point of focus, for what you choose is yours to experience. Yet, every choice is made from Love.
This sparkling Love is your Real Home. It is the essence of your nature, the substance of your Creation. It is the wonder of life given to you each moment, that you might be free to paint with the palette of God. It is time for you to look at your paint brush and it is time, beloved ones, to feel your heart.

onsdag 9 november 2011

Was wirklich gegen Diabetes hilft

Was wirklich
gegen Diabetes hilft

Am wichtigsten sind viel Bewegung und eine fettarme, vollwertige Ernährung. Wie schnell Sie jedoch ohne unabhängige Informationen in die „Fettfalle“ tappen können, hat das Beispiel Diabetiker- Lebensmittel gezeigt.
Länger und gesünder leben hat seinen Lesern daher einige Alternativen aufgezeigt, mit denen Sie den Typ-2-Diabetes mit Vitalstoffen nebenwirkungsfrei bekämpfen können:
Länger und gesünder leben zeigt Ihnen 100%ig unabhängig die neuesten Studienergebnisse und Therapieverfahren rund um Vitamine und Naturheilmittel auf. So können Sie fragwürdige Medikamente vermeiden und sich noch lange an einer hohen Vitalität und Lebensqualität erfreuen.

Alternative 1: Kalzium

Eine Studie der Tufts-Universität in Boston/USA aus dem Jahr 2006 an über 80.000 Krankenschwestern ergab: Diejenigen Teilnehmer, die täglich 1.200 mg Kalzium und 800 Int. Einh. Vitamin D zu sich nahmen (aus der Nahrung und Präparaten), hatten ein deutlich geringeres Diabetes- Risiko.

Alternative 2: Chrom

Chrom steigert die Verwertbarkeit des Insulins. Hier genügen Tagesdosierungen zwischen 200 und 500 µg. Chrom-Präparate erhalten Sie in Apotheken oder im Versandhandel.

Alternative 3: Vitamin K

Eine Untersuchung der Tufts-Universität in Boston/USA ergab, dass 500 µg Vitamin K täglich (in Form eines Präparats) den Blutzuckerspiegel senken – und den Diabetes so verhindern oder verzögern kann.
Eine Vorstufe des Diabetes (die so genannte Insulinresistenz) trat dabei um etwa 34 % seltener auf. Die Blutzucker- und Insulinwerte waren durch das Vitamin K deutlich gesunken.

Alternative 4: Magnesium

Magnesium verstärkt die Wirkung des körpereigenen Insulins, indem es die Verzuckerung des roten Blutfarbstoffs Hämoglobin senkt. Das zeigte eine Untersuchung der Universität Durango (Mexiko) aus dem Jahr 2004.
Mit welchen dieser natürlichen Alternativen wollen Sie sich von dauernder Medikamenten-Abhängigkeit befreien?

Testen Sie „Länger und gesünder leben“ jetzt 30 Tage lang zum besonders günstigen Kennenlernpreis.
Klicken Sie hier.

Wird Ihnen die beste Therapie vorenthalten ... nur weil die Pharma-Konzerne nicht genug daran verdienen?

Bei Vitalstoffen sind die Gewinne geringer als bei Medikamenten, und sie sind nicht patentierbar. Das macht sie für Pharma-Konzerne vergleichsweise unattraktiv: Erst ein patentiertes Medikament ist eine „Lizenz zum Gelddrucken“.
Lesen Sie hier, wie Sie die perfide Strategie der Pharma-Konzerne zur Gewinnmaximierung durchkreuzen, und erfahren Sie, warum Vitalstoffe oft vollwertige und nebenwirkungsarme Alternativen zu Medikamenten sind.

©Länger und gesünder leben

A Man with a good Idea is a Crank until the Idea succeeds

On this day of your life, Heike, I believe God wants you to know...
...that the man with a new idea is a crank until the idea

Mark Twain said that, no doubt with a twinkle in his
eye. Do you have a new idea about something? Go
ahead and share it, or put it into motion. Do not be
afraid of the doubts or disapproval of others.

Those things will be there, of course. But what of it?
Ideas are God, saying hello. Never pass one by, or
let a good one slip away. How do you know it's good?
You don't, until you try it. That's the whole point...

Love, Your Friend....
©Neale Donald Walshneale

torsdag 3 november 2011

tisdag 1 november 2011

Healing the Heart

Message - Archangel Raphael
"Healing the heart is as simple as forgiving those that transgressed upon you. Many view this as hard or
impossible to do, but please know, dear ones, that it is a simple matter of choosing to release the fear and pain
you hold against another. Once you choose to forgive, the heart heals automatically. Ask and I shall heal your
heart by cutting these ropes of fear binding you to another, filling the space they leave with healing love." -
Archangel Raphael
Many Blessings
©Lisa C. Beachy
Angel & Spiritual Intuitive
Reiki & Adv. Theta Healer
Connecting you with your Spiritual Team

In die Luft gehängt

Manche Kinder werden von ihren Eltern so schlecht behandelt, dass sie sozusagen den Draht verlieren. Mit Draht meine ich die Verbindung au anderen Menschen, zum Leben, zu ihrer Herkunft, ihren Wünschen ihrem eigentlichen Selbst. Diese Kinder wirken unharmonisch und oft nicht sehr anziehend, was leicht dazu führt, dass andere Menschen es nicht so gerne mit ihnen zu tun haben. In der Schule und in der Freizeit werden sie gehänselt oder gemieden. Erwachsene versuchen manchmal diese Kinder dazu zu bringen, sich mehr wie andere Menschen zu benehmen, indem sie sie kritisieren, verhöhnen, anschreien oder auf andere Weise bestrafen. Die Kinder, die dieses Verhalten der Erwachsenen diesem merkwürdigen Kind gegenüber sehen, tun dieses Verhalten diesem Außenseiter gegenüber gerne nachahmen. Nun haben sie jemanden gefunden, dem sie sich überlegen fühlen können. Wie schön sich das anfühlt.

Wenn man wirklich diesen Kindern helfen möchte, dann muss man die Situation verändern in denen diese Kinder sind. Man muss mit dem Kind reden, mit den Eltern reden, dem Kind zeigen, dass man es mag und an es glaubt. Das ist alles andere bloß nicht einfach. Ich kann hier auch keine einfachen Ratschläge geben. Man muss sich auf jeden Fall mit dem Kind anfreunden und versuchen es dazu zu bewegen, so viel wie möglich über sich selbst zu erzählen. Man muss natürlich langsam vorangehen. Vor allem darf man nicht tolerieren, dass andere Menschen das Kind meiden oder hänseln. Man soll andere Jungen und Mädchen dazu ermutigen mit diesem Kind Freundschaft zu schließen.

Man soll wirklich verstehen, dass das Kind in der Luft hängt, weil ihm der Draht zum Leben abgeschnitten worden ist und dass man diesen Draht so schnell wie möglich wieder befestigen muss.

lördag 29 oktober 2011

A Prayer by Maureen Moss


Mother/Father God within the temple of my being, you, The All-knowing Intelligence of this Universe, the Loving Intelligence that created Me and this Universe and this Planet, I offer this prayer to you.

You are the Divine Love, which has supplied this earth with nature and animals, the waters, the elements and the elementals, even the Dark and the Light on behalf of each one of us. Thank you.

You have filled the Heavens and Earth with your many dimensions of Love, the stars, the moon, the sun and the oceans, with the rhythmic activity of the tides, to assist in bringing us into balance. I now acknowledge your Presence in all things and inside of me, and I thank you.

You are opening the doorway to the 11-11-11, giving us each an opportunity to change our spirals of evolution and be done with duality and polarity, and I thank you. I will not take this moment in human history lightly. This I know is a magnificent collaboration with you Dear God, and I say yes, and I thank you.

Dear God, help me to collaborate with you more willingly and hear you now in an even deeper way through my heart and my Oneness with You and all You created. Help me step up to awaken fully now, with LOVE, True Love, Sacred Union, and One Heart as my guidance as I do my part to incite an excitement of Unity never before felt on this Planet. Help me to remember there is no other way.
This is the Way. I pray for the strength, courage and wisdom to love myself beyond any of my misperceived limitations.

Dear God thank you for the open doorway on 11-11-11 that leads us deeper into our awakened Oneness and our map into the New World.

I touch my heart, and I know you are here and I know I am here. When I touch my heart, I know We are here, and nothing can separate us. That is Oneness, and that is Love. Just to know you live inside of me, I know how much you love me. Thank you.

I vow to remember that always, always, always do you love me. In that I find my peace and restoration. I say with confidence, I AM LOVED. I AM LOVED. I AM LOVABLE and I AM WORTHY, because I Am, because you created Me and you brought me to Earth to change its history. Dear God, I say thank you, again.

I come to you now to ask only for your grace, for myself and all others. It is a simple prayer. I have no other needs.

Let the peace that passes all understanding descend upon me and all of humanity, on the 11-11-11 and each day thereafter as we open to receive that peace, and the love of all of Creation during this momentous moment in history.

In this moment of history help humanity feel the inrush of love from the Angelic Realm, The Galactic Realm and all of Cosmic Consciousness that is of Your Light and Your Love. Let us feel Your Grace. Let the Christ Blueprint be activated, now!

I bless my brothers and my sisters for their plights, their tribulations, and for their courage. From this day forth may we all be reminded to consciously love each other so much that nothing on this Planet will ever be the same, again. Let the suffering end, beginning with me.

In stillness and in confidence, I shall exhibit my peace and my strength as I grace the lives of all I touch, including myself.

I go now, God, to demonstrate you as Me, as One.
And so it is. And so I let it be.

Please take a breath.
Copyright Maureen Moss. Please share keeping everything intact with websites included:

En sorts kärlek

Mellan oss finns mycket kärlek

Jag har många fel, javisst,
men jag är ingen sadist.
Jag vill inte att du ska lida på grund av mig.

Mellan oss finns mycket kärlek.
Den är ingen romantisk kärlek.
Den är inte farlig.

Farlig är vår mentala spekulation
och vår bristande kommunikation.
Den är mycket farlig.

Låt oss ändra på det för att förskona
oss från att få problem också med andra personer.
Jag vill att du ska våga
att ställa mig någon fråga.

The Journey to Truth
by Archangel Michael

channelled through Natalie Glasson

          It is my wish to share with you a story in order to express my guidance and wisdom to you at this time of your growth.

                A soul so beautiful, powerful and radiant manifests into a physical body on the Earth. We will label the soul Joseph, allowing the soul to take a physical male form. Joseph is now a fully grown adult and has spent much time discovering and learning about the world that exists on the Earth. The light that was so bright at his birth still remains, but Joseph is no longer aware of this aspect of his being; his mind and aura have been filled with other ideas, distractions and desires. Joseph feels that there is something missing from his reality, he longs for something but cannot pin point what it is that he misses so much. He feels sadness inside of him even when he is happy and things feel good.

                Joseph decides that he must allow himself to escape and to embark on a journey, he doesn't know where he will go or what he will do but the freedom gives him a feeling of exhilaration and excitement. He decides that although he wishes to travel he will walk everywhere so that he can be reliant only on himself. Joseph begins to pack some bags, unaware of how long he will be gone or where he will go he packs many items of clothing, tools to help him survive and even books to amuse him on his journey. He leaves his home laden down with bags but he cannot feel their weight his enthusiasm is carrying him forward and knowingness that he will need all these items allows the bags to feel extremely light. He begins to walk with a spring in his step; he is not sure where he is going but decides to be creative in his decisions.

                Gradually the bags begin to become a burden, his enthusiasm has waned and he begins to curse the bags and himself for bringing them. He no longer feels free but tied down, just as he had felt before he left. He sits down and begins to rummage through his bags, throwing out unnecessary things until he has one small bag that holds the basics of what he will need to survive. He leaves his unneeded items at the foot of someone's door with a note telling them to take what they wish and share the rest. Again his enthusiasm has risen. After a long day of creative decisions he finds himself by a river and decides to rest against a tree. He brings out his book and begins to read, completely entering into the fantasy world of the book. The wind begins to weave through the trees at the river side, blowing his book across the ground. He leaves the book and huddles into his clothes for warmth.

                Joseph has very few belonging and the day is growing dark, he begins to wonder why he wanted to escape his reality, why he thought that the reality he has created for himself now would be any better than his previous reality. He still felt as if he was carrying so many bags, so many burdens and wondered if there was any beauty, freedom and excitement in the Earth's reality for him to experience. The wind continued to weave roughly through the trees as Joseph held tightly to his body and clothes for warmth and comfort. He felt as if the wind was speaking to him although he heard no voice. The wind was demonstrating to him that he needed to let all his burdens be blown away from him. Joseph began to think about all the things he had done which he felt ashamed about, he just let them be blown away by the wind. Then he contemplated all the times he had experienced pain and sadness allowing all these emotions and energetic wounds to be carried away on the wave of the wind. He wondered what else there was for him to let go and realised that he must send his forgiveness on the wave of the wind to the people he blamed for hurting him or doing wrong to him in the past, he had allowed himself to be hurt. Already he felt his body was so much lighter and he could feel the sadness that had been with him always being eased and yet the wind still blew with vigour around him. He challenged himself as to what was left to let go off. He realised that he had already detached from the people around him by even embarking on this journey, he still loved them deeply but knew now that if he had to be on his own he would be perfectly happy and could look after himself. Still holding tightly to his body he realised something that needed his attention. He had to let go of himself. He had to let the wind carry away all his perceptions of himself, the ideas he had formed about himself, good or bad, the way in which he spoke to himself, the things that he loved and hated about himself, as well as his dreams and desires for the future which he had built in his mind from the influences of his personality and of other people. He slowly began to release his tight grip on himself physically and energetically. He was happy for big chunks of himself to be carried away from him and waited eagerly to see what would remain.

                He broke down into floods of tears, it was hurting so much to release certain ideas of himself but he was also filled with so much joy and freedom. He realised that he had been waiting all his life to achieve this and knew that it was something that he would continue to achieve in his future.

Falling asleep he drifted into a dream of a tree shooting from the soil of the Earth. He watched as the tree grew and grew in strength and character. The tree was tied to one spot for its life and yet it held such freedom within its reality. He then felt himself as a tree shooting from the Earth's soil right next to the first tree. He could feel worry in his body that he was growing too close to the other tree. He became taller and taller and his anxiety built. Then the wind blew once more and reminded him to let go of his anxiety and to just observe. Joseph allowed the wind to carry his anxiety and worry away, to his amazement as a tree he began to merge with the first taller tree. As he slipped into the tree's energy and consciousness he realised that he had accepted a tremendous freedom within his being. Although he couldn't move from his location he felt strong and free from burdens, hefelt clear inside his mind, heart and emotions. Nothing bothered him anymore, he understood he didn't have to be like other people, he didn't need to have what others created, he could just be himself and be happy in the reality that he creates for himself. He knew that if any energies, thoughts or emotions rose within him to challenge the freedom and peace that he had created he could just ask the wind to carry them away as long as he was ready to give them to the wind. He appreciated that he could live happily with many things around him or he could live basically. Joseph also grasped that if it started to rain, hail or snow, then he would still be happy and that outside experiences couldn't destroy the peace, strength and freedom he had manifested within him. The freedom brought about tremendous joy which only filled him with even more courage in his convictions.

                A bright sun shone down on him as he existed as a tree, he had taken on all the consciousness of the first tree and now felt a tremendous unity and connection to everything. The sun seemed to continue to shine brighter; it was as if thousands of lights were dancing around him. He imagined himself opening his chest up to the light and allowing the light to flood into his being.

                He woke suddenly from his dream, it was morning and he had been asleep all night with his back up against the base of the tree. His body felt electrified, buzzing with light. He wondered if it had all been a dream but remembered the pain as he explored his energy.

                A knowingness came from inside of him, 'You have cut yourself free from the influence of humanity's general consciousness, you have given yourself freedom to think and feel as you wish, not from your personality or the influence of others but from your soul. I am your soul and I am here to guide you forward. Let us now embark on the real journey together. In your dream you merged with a greater tree, that was me, we are one Joseph. Observe your body it is charged with light, observe your heart and mind, they are open and clear. My energy is here always as a friend to guide you. Remember that nothing on the Earth can create an identity for you; your true identity is your soul and the Creator.'

                Joseph stood up tall and stretched his body, he felt different. What shall we do he asked himself and the answer came instantly.

I hope you have enjoyed my story, there are many messages within the words and ideas for you to contemplate and to integrate into your reality, it is for you to allow your own soul to show you the messages as each person may see something different. You may find it beneficial to read through the message once more and write down all the messages or piece of wisdom that dawn on you. It is my belief that this message is appropriate for the times that we are experiencing on the Earth and within the Creator's universe now.

With Angelic love, protection and support,

Archangel Michael

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Phazar Comment by Phazar 6 hours ago
Blessings too all
Dorothy Maxwell Rowatt Comment by Dorothy Maxwell Rowatt 16 hours ago
A great post, Rams, and a beautiful image!   Thank you!  With Love and Angel Light, Dorothy

© 2011   Created by Dorothy Maxwell Rowatt.   Powered by .

fredag 21 oktober 2011

Eine Art von Liebe

Zwischen uns gibt es sehr viel Liebe.
Das ist keine romantische Liebe.
Sie ist nicht gefährlich.

Gefährlich ist mangelnde Kommunikation,
und unsere menthale Spekulation.
Sie sind sehr gefährlich.

Wir sollten wissen
dass unser schlechtes Gewissen
uns dazu zwingt unser Benehmen
nun besser in die Hand zu nehmen.

Ich sage dir ganz offen,
dass unsere Freunde hoffen,
dass wir lernen zu kommunizieren.
Was können wir dadurch verlieren?

Zwischen uns gibt es sehr viel Liebe.
Das ist keine romantische Liebe.
Sie ist nicht gefährlich.
Menthale Spekulation
und mangelnde Kommunikation
sind sehr gefährlich.
Das sage ich ganz ehrlich.

tisdag 11 oktober 2011

The Journey to Truth

The Journey to Truth
by Archangel Michael

channelled through Natalie Glasson

          It is my wish to share with you a story in order to express my guidance and wisdom to you at this time of your growth.

                A soul so beautiful, powerful and radiant manifests into a physical body on the Earth. We will label the soul Joseph, allowing the soul to take a physical male form. Joseph is now a fully grown adult and has spent much time discovering and learning about the world that exists on the Earth. The light that was so bright at his birth still remains, but Joseph is no longer aware of this aspect of his being; his mind and aura have been filled with other ideas, distractions and desires. Joseph feels that there is something missing from his reality, he longs for something but cannot pin point what it is that he misses so much. He feels sadness inside of him even when he is happy and things feel good.

                Joseph decides that he must allow himself to escape and to embark on a journey, he doesn't know where he will go or what he will do but the freedom gives him a feeling of exhilaration and excitement. He decides that although he wishes to travel he will walk everywhere so that he can be reliant only on himself. Joseph begins to pack some bags, unaware of how long he will be gone or where he will go he packs many items of clothing, tools to help him survive and even books to amuse him on his journey. He leaves his home laden down with bags but he cannot feel their weight his enthusiasm is carrying him forward and knowingness that he will need all these items allows the bags to feel extremely light. He begins to walk with a spring in his step; he is not sure where he is going but decides to be creative in his decisions.

                Gradually the bags begin to become a burden, his enthusiasm has waned and he begins to curse the bags and himself for bringing them. He no longer feels free but tied down, just as he had felt before he left. He sits down and begins to rummage through his bags, throwing out unnecessary things until he has one small bag that holds the basics of what he will need to survive. He leaves his unneeded items at the foot of someone's door with a note telling them to take what they wish and share the rest. Again his enthusiasm has risen. After a long day of creative decisions he finds himself by a river and decides to rest against a tree. He brings out his book and begins to read, completely entering into the fantasy world of the book. The wind begins to weave through the trees at the river side, blowing his book across the ground. He leaves the book and huddles into his clothes for warmth.

                Joseph has very few belonging and the day is growing dark, he begins to wonder why he wanted to escape his reality, why he thought that the reality he has created for himself now would be any better than his previous reality. He still felt as if he was carrying so many bags, so many burdens and wondered if there was any beauty, freedom and excitement in the Earth's reality for him to experience. The wind continued to weave roughly through the trees as Joseph held tightly to his body and clothes for warmth and comfort. He felt as if the wind was speaking to him although he heard no voice. The wind was demonstrating to him that he needed to let all his burdens be blown away from him. Joseph began to think about all the things he had done which he felt ashamed about, he just let them be blown away by the wind. Then he contemplated all the times he had experienced pain and sadness allowing all these emotions and energetic wounds to be carried away on the wave of the wind. He wondered what else there was for him to let go and realised that he must send his forgiveness on the wave of the wind to the people he blamed for hurting him or doing wrong to him in the past, he had allowed himself to be hurt. Already he felt his body was so much lighter and he could feel the sadness that had been with him always being eased and yet the wind still blew with vigour around him. He challenged himself as to what was left to let go off. He realised that he had already detached from the people around him by even embarking on this journey, he still loved them deeply but knew now that if he had to be on his own he would be perfectly happy and could look after himself. Still holding tightly to his body he realised something that needed his attention. He had to let go of himself. He had to let the wind carry away all his perceptions of himself, the ideas he had formed about himself, good or bad, the way in which he spoke to himself, the things that he loved and hated about himself, as well as his dreams and desires for the future which he had built in his mind from the influences of his personality and of other people. He slowly began to release his tight grip on himself physically and energetically. He was happy for big chunks of himself to be carried away from him and waited eagerly to see what would remain.

                He broke down into floods of tears, it was hurting so much to release certain ideas of himself but he was also filled with so much joy and freedom. He realised that he had been waiting all his life to achieve this and knew that it was something that he would continue to achieve in his future.

Falling asleep he drifted into a dream of a tree shooting from the soil of the Earth. He watched as the tree grew and grew in strength and character. The tree was tied to one spot for its life and yet it held such freedom within its reality. He then felt himself as a tree shooting from the Earth's soil right next to the first tree. He could feel worry in his body that he was growing too close to the other tree. He became taller and taller and his anxiety built. Then the wind blew once more and reminded him to let go of his anxiety and to just observe. Joseph allowed the wind to carry his anxiety and worry away, to his amazement as a tree he began to merge with the first taller tree. As he slipped into the tree's energy and consciousness he realised that he had accepted a tremendous freedom within his being. Although he couldn't move from his location he felt strong and free from burdens, hefelt clear inside his mind, heart and emotions. Nothing bothered him anymore, he understood he didn't have to be like other people, he didn't need to have what others created, he could just be himself and be happy in the reality that he creates for himself. He knew that if any energies, thoughts or emotions rose within him to challenge the freedom and peace that he had created he could just ask the wind to carry them away as long as he was ready to give them to the wind. He appreciated that he could live happily with many things around him or he could live basically. Joseph also grasped that if it started to rain, hail or snow, then he would still be happy and that outside experiences couldn't destroy the peace, strength and freedom he had manifested within him. The freedom brought about tremendous joy which only filled him with even more courage in his convictions.

                A bright sun shone down on him as he existed as a tree, he had taken on all the consciousness of the first tree and now felt a tremendous unity and connection to everything. The sun seemed to continue to shine brighter; it was as if thousands of lights were dancing around him. He imagined himself opening his chest up to the light and allowing the light to flood into his being.

                He woke suddenly from his dream, it was morning and he had been asleep all night with his back up against the base of the tree. His body felt electrified, buzzing with light. He wondered if it had all been a dream but remembered the pain as he explored his energy.

                A knowingness came from inside of him, 'You have cut yourself free from the influence of humanity's general consciousness, you have given yourself freedom to think and feel as you wish, not from your personality or the influence of others but from your soul. I am your soul and I am here to guide you forward. Let us now embark on the real journey together. In your dream you merged with a greater tree, that was me, we are one Joseph. Observe your body it is charged with light, observe your heart and mind, they are open and clear. My energy is here always as a friend to guide you. Remember that nothing on the Earth can create an identity for you; your true identity is your soul and the Creator.'

                Joseph stood up tall and stretched his body, he felt different. What shall we do he asked himself and the answer came instantly.

I hope you have enjoyed my story, there are many messages within the words and ideas for you to contemplate and to integrate into your reality, it is for you to allow your own soul to show you the messages as each person may see something different. You may find it beneficial to read through the message once more and write down all the messages or piece of wisdom that dawn on you. It is my belief that this message is appropriate for the times that we are experiencing on the Earth and within the Creator's universe now.

With Angelic love, protection and support,

Archangel Michael

Beyond the Pull of the little Mind

The time is coming when you shall live in the atmosphere of Love beyond the pull of the little mind, dear ones, and the freedom in which you live will be the source of your every movement and continual choice to give all of this endless Love. You are My heart and you are Home in Me right now, and every moment of open-hearted Love establishes the true Reality of God through the gift of your open heart.
So in this time which can seem confusing as the old world pulls you with its familiarity, take heart. Turn to Me. Breathe into the freedom of Love and when you feel your heart once again, allow this Love to permeate the world, to fill every aspect of your vision and to replace effortlessly the old world, the old perceptions that were based in the story of your life, the old reality based in fear and scarcity. Let it all dissolve and return to Me, that this communion of your heart may fill you, support you, lift you and bring you everything that I Am ever and always providing. The glorious abundance of God I Am is yours, is you and is happening right now.
From The Messages from God
2011-10-06 | Circle of Light

fredag 16 september 2011

The Future is brighter than ever

On this day of your life, Heike, I believe God wants you to know...
...that the future is brighter than ever. Not just humanity's
future, but your own, personally.

Things have shifted. The energy has been altered. You
can feel it if you deeply tune in. This shift is not your
imagination, nor is it merely on a national or global
level. There is a shift in you.

Feel it today, and use it to propel you to a wonderful
tomorrow. In fact, do better than feel the energy. BE
the energy. Be its Source.Then watch the conditions
of your own life change.
Neals Donald Welsch

The Difference between Love and Feelings

Dear God, Thank you for sending us Your Messages through Yael. It has been a relief to receive Your messages for guidance.
I would like to know the difference between love and feelings -- how to open a closed heart that won't budge from fear of being hurt further after having feelings hurt so deeply emotionally and how to manage self from there on out.
Answer to Question # 9:
Precious one, the feelings that you refer to are the feelings generated by the human ego that are meant to keep you identifying with the world the ego has built. The only way to open your heart is to come to Me, oh, precious of God, to come into the silence and allow Me to show you how it feels to truly love, to be held, to be blessed, to be supported by Creation, to be honored and to be open to the endless Love that lives in you. Once you have felt this, even for a moment, it will free you from the tyranny of the little mind, the ego, that keeps you held in fear.
Then moment by moment, in your communion with Me, it will become Real to you what Love is and you will feel so secure, so open, so glorious that this will become your new reference for what Love is and dear one, what feelings are -- feelings that are divine and that carry you effortlessly into more joy, more Love, more ecstasy continually. From this place of being washed in Love, you shall bless your own fears and feel them automatically loosen their hold on you.
Your heart already knows its truth. It needs only your permission to shine forth and in its presence, all shadows of the old world are transformed and you will recognize that every moment you are at choice. You can choose to believe in the world of fear or you can step into My presence, into the cocoon of Love that we have built together, and open your heart to what Love is.
As you do this, day by day, choice by choice, your vibration changes. Your resonance realigns. What you draw into your life is those who can reflect this, who can be your example of Real Love, the Real Love that you have found within you, that you have opened into in your communion with Me. At last, dear one, the Reality of Love will be more Real to you than your experiences of the old world of human thought and pain.
When this occurs, then Love takes over and the little self needs no managing, for, in truth, it is waiting to serve the heart. It is just that life on Earth has temporarily reversed this and the ego has taken over.
I Am blessing your heart and each and every one of you who is willing to open to Love. I long to show you what Real feelings are, that you might bask in your own divinity and feel the freedom of the endless Love of God I Am that is your true identity.
The old world in which your heart has seemed to be protecting itself, the world that is based on personal suffering, the world in which you have given power to things outside of you, is falling away. This Love is pulsing forth so strongly that all you have to do is turn to Me, say "Yes" to this Love that is ever present, come into the moment and be silent, and in this instance, this endless Now, in our communion, you are free and you have answers to every question.
You have the Love. You have the remembrance of who you are and your choice to be available as the open heart of God will wash away even the remembrance of pain and you shall live in joy. I Am here and your heart already knows the truth. Simply turn and open and remember. At first you may need to be diligent, to choose and choose again to remember Love and to experience Real feelings of Love Divine. Soon, however, the impetus of Love takes over. You are lifted and you are shifted to the Vertical Life in which every breath is a reminder of perfect life and your own heart is open and free with the Light of perfect Love shining through it to reflect before you the truth of God in the symbols of the world in which you live. Remember always that I Am here for you, beloved.