lördag 21 maj 2011

If you give love and respect, you get love and respect in return

If you give love and respect, you get love and respect in return. If you offer arrogance and disrespect, those feelings are coming back to you. This works like a boomerang. The emotions we feel for other people return back to ourselves. As we behave towards others they will behave towards ourselves.

If we desire to receive love, respect and understanding, we have to show those feelings in our behavior towards other people.

The problem is just that one cannot give away something what one has not even received first. One cannot love and respect other people if one doesn’t love and respect oneself. How can one show understanding for other people if one cannot even understand oneself. First one must have received love, respect and understanding. This will lead to the ability to love, respect and understand oneself. And this in return will lead to the ability to love, respect and understand other people. Therefore it is very important that we give our kids huge amounts of love, respect and understanding. This will enable them to show love, respect and understanding in their behavior towards themselves and others. If one hasn't received enough love, respect and understanding during ones childhood one shall seek out some friends who are able to show those emotions in their dealings with other people. They can have a healing influence and can serve as good examples.

If one wants to bring a person with negative feelings to despise herself, then one will probably succeed. Unfortunately this will not lead to the fact that this person is going to respect oneself.

Now I have illuminated a simple thing from several sides, because there really are many people who have a false understanding about this subject matter.

On the other hand one shall not allow people to exploit oneself. For this I say that it can also be a loving behavior to set limits, to say in a friendly and certain way that one doesn´t accept a disrespectful behavior any longer and to clearly explain how one wants to be treated from now on. It can also be a loving behavior to refuse to meet a certain person, who cannot stop her unacceptable behavior, without the company of a third person. One doesn´t do a favor to anybody if one allows people to treat oneself badly.

Love is something one has to work for in order to make it to work out.

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